Annual General Meeting of JGC

Club President Phil Hahn

President Phil Hahn announced last night that 100 days of course closure due to flooding and 100 days of Covid restrictions has affected the finances of our club.

As the auditor’s report details, it has been a very dismal year financially with a loss of $127,255 compared to a profit of $263,455 in 2020/21. Unfortunately, this does eat into our war chest intended to deliver on a number of initiatives (largely deferred from the year just elapsed) planned for the year/s ahead (see below). Thankfully, we started this horrendous period with very healthy financial reserves. The loss is explainable and was due entirely to circumstances totally beyond the Board’s control.

The 21-22 Year in Summary

· Financial result of $127,255 Loss.

· An increase in member numbers up by 25 to 561 (May 2021 to May 2022)

An enormous amount of work has been invested into the development of a Masterplan for the Club. Local retired architect and club member Terry Graham is assisting Bob Neilson, Geoff Wilson, and myself with the development of this document. Thanks also to Joe Neilson for his assistance with a variety of aerial imagery utilised in this document. There was by necessity a very long delay with this project while we endeavoured to negotiate the acquisition of the 4th hole lease area from Club Jamberoo. Unfortunately, Club Jamberoo is unwilling to part with that land, so the Board has determined to proceed with the plan on the basis that that land will no longer be available to us beyond 30 September 2025, expiry of the current lease.

Should Club Jamberoo change their mind before we have invested beyond a point of no return, then acquisition would still be an option. The Masterplan looks forward at all the potential works, developments, and improvements to the course we would like to achieve over the next 10-15 years. It will pull all these together into a plan with complementary environmental, engineering, and architectural consultant input that can be presented to Council for overarching planning approval and as necessary identification of items requiring another level of development approval. It will include a vegetation management plan and most likely a water management plan.

Once completed the approved Masterplan will guide the Board’s decision making and financial priorities in the years ahead. Importantly it will be a key instrument to support grant applications.

Addressing flood-related damage (e.g., 16th Retaining Wall) is a component of this plan.

· Purchase of a near new tractor with backhoe and attachments – Backhoe and Bucket ($50,000).

· Repair and reseal of the Club’s entrance driveway ($25,000)

· A new Point of Sale (BEPOZ) system installed and operational ($10,000).

· Replacement of the club’s computer systems ($3,600).

· Numerous course improvements to paths, greens, tees etc.

· The loyalty membership discount for those members over 80 years of age who have been members for 10 or more years has been continued.

The Year Ahead

Our focus needs to remain on continuous improvement of the course and revenue-related aspects associated with the club house facility as we drive to attract new members and encourage the return of former members to our club, which will improve revenues and underpin the future success of the Club.

Completion of the Masterplan and submission of a “staged Development Application” to Council. Once the Plan is sufficiently well advanced some form of member consultation process will be undertaken.

Replacement of the roof on the rental property ($12,650 – Accepted Quote)

Progressing work on updating our Articles of Association or replacing these with a new Constitution.

A new Agreement to instal the Return & Earn recycling facility in the Club’s car park has been entered into with Tomra boosting revenue by $13,200 per annum in license fees.

Improved greens management has suppressed the couch infestations and will hopefully delay any need for major green restoration work.

Continue investigation of options to secure the provision of Professional Golf Services. It is likely that this will need to be deferred until the club can recover from flood related impacts to membership numbers.

Phil Hahn President.

New Board of Directors Announced

The 2022-23 Board of Directors was announced at last night’s meeting.

President, Phil Hahn

Vice-President, Kim Oborn

Captain, David Ransom

Vice-Captain, Larry Kent

Treasurer, Geoff Wilson

Robert Neilson

Patrick Paris

Shane Townsend

Kenneth Holt

Colin Booth

New Life Member Elected

In a special motion to the AGM David Ransom was nominated as life member of Jamberoo Golf Club in recognition of his years of dedicated service to the members of the club. The members present accepted this nomination and David joins our roll of life members.

David, although surprised by the nomination, was honoured to accept his elevation and thanked those members present for their faith in him.

He remains passionate about the club and its members and dedicated to service to the members of the club. He hopes to further contribute to the growth and development of the club over the coming years.

Life members Lance Fredericks, Phil Lewis, and Geoff Boxsell welcome David to their cadre.

Womens’ Championships Commence

Miserably, rainy weather greeted the 1st round of the Championships but despite this hindrance some good golf was played.

In Division 1, Elizabeth Armstrong has taken a 1 shot lead over Pam Middlebrook, 92 to 93, with Shirley Dixon close behind on 97.

Pam leads the nett after a brilliant 71.

In Division 2, Shirley Walsh leads both the gross and nett after her 108/75.

In Division 3, it is very close with Lieve Stassen leading the pack on 119, closely followed by Kim Oborn and Sue Paul on 120 and Rose Sheath on 124.

Cheryl Smee leads the nett on 74 one ahead of Gloria Thompson.

Pam Middlebrook reports:

Thank you all for playing today in our Championships, some tough, cold conditions for most players, especially on the back nine.

Div 1 Monthly Medal

Winner – Pam Middlebrook – 71 nett

Gross Winner – Elizabeth Armstrong 92 scr.

Putting – Pam Middlebrook 29 putts

Diiv 2 Monthly Medal

Winner – Shirley Walsh 75 nett

Gross – Shirley Walsh 108 scr.

Putting – Shirley Walsh 30 putts

Div 3 Monthly Medal

Winner – Cheryl Smee 74 nett

Gross – Lieve Stassen 119 scr.

Putting – Kim Oborn 36 putts

Div 1 (0 – 33)

Winner – Pam Middlebrook 71 nett

R/Up – Shirley Dixon 73 nett

Div 2 (34 – 54)

Winner – Cheryl Smee 74 nett

R/Up – Gloria Thompson 75 nett


Winner – Barbara Costello 23 pts

Balls to 82 nett – E Armstrong, S Walsh, M Cook, S Paul, L Stassen, C Legge, L Southwell, H Wainwright

Super Shot – will be included next Tuesday

One clarification of the daily conditions:- maximum of 9 strokes per hole. 

(When you reach 9 pick up your ball & mark 9 on your card)

“Player must hit nine shots before they pick-up and tally nine on their card”

Reminder that there is an early start on Thursday 25th, 2nd Round of the Championships.

Lunch will not be provided on this day but feel free to come into the club and have a drink.

(The seeded draw will be completed immediately the second round is finalised and put onto ‘Ourgolf’) Players needing carts on Tuesday 30th, 3rd Round of the Championships need to check that they have been booked.

Players wishing to play in the daily competition Tuesday 30th may put their names down after the reserved spots have been removed, (Thursday afternoon).

Thanks for your patience today.


2022 Oaks Automotive Open Ambrose

A very cold and windy morning under overcast and threatening skies greeted the 109 competitors in the 2022 Open Ambrose sponsored by Oaks Automotive.

The good news was that, whilst remaining windy, the rain stayed away and a full days play was enjoyed by one and all, even those that played with Ron Chilby and those pants!

Scoring was sensational with the red-hot group of Steve Townsend, Paul Fairall, Matthew Mitchell and Steve Webb firing a sensational 12 under par round of golf including a front nine of 25 which is 8 under par.

Two other groups, Matthew Levi, Wayne Levi, Del Crockford and Luke Crockford, and, Katie Dorahy, Ryan Dorahy, Dylan McDonald and Chase Boreland shot very impressive 8 under par rounds of 59 in excellent displays.

Nett winners on the day were Matt Levi, Wayne Levi, Luke Crockford and Del Crockford with a score of 51.25 which is 15.75 under nett par. The group of Richard Walker, Darren Mears, Andrew Dick and Luke Stevens were a close second on 53.25.

Final group Paddy Rees, Susan, Jaime and Graeme Phillipson squeezed out Sponsor Steve Oppert’s group to take the 6th and final nett place by 3/8 of a shot.


Gross Winners:  S Townsend, P Fairall, M Mitchell & S Webb 55

Nett Winners:   M Levi, W Levi, D Crockford & L Crockford  51.25 nett  Runners Up:    R Walker, D Mears, A Dick & L Stevens  54.125 nett  3rd:   R Dorahy, K Dorahy, C Boreland & D McDonald  55.375 nett  4th:  G Reynolds, J Willoughby, B Fielding & P Henderson  56 nett  5th:   M Ross, S Lacey, M Tedeschi & C Kiayias  56.25 nett  6th:   P Rees, S Phillipson, J Phillipson & G Phillipson  57.625 nett

Supershot 13th:       P Wheatley  235 cm

Jamberoo Golf Club club would like to thank all players for their support today, especially our 24 visitors. It is hoped that you enjoyed your day on the course.

Of course a very big thankyou goes to our sponsor Steve Oppert from OAKS Automotive, whose strong support of Jamberoo Golf Club is very much appreciated.

Thank you mate.

Drummond Charity Day–Lifeline

FRIDAY. Spots of rain cleared into a beautiful day for golf.

Thanks to Kris Morrison and team at Drummond for running a very successful day . 69 players hit off.

The day raised money for the charity, LIFELINE. Many thousands were raised.

Lady members assisted Kris with picking up, serving lunch, selling their homemade Sausage rolls, serving in the bar and cleaning up the verandah. Next time we have a charity day that makes $1000s for the club would love to see some men volunteers.

Everyone enjoyed the day–lots of laughter and ribbing going on. Winners were THE HUNGRY MONKEY team. Great prizes. Full list of winners available later. Photos of some of the winners.

2022 Jamberoo Open Ambrose Championship Rules and Conditions

Playing the game

  • All team members tee off on each hole.
  • All players will receive a free golf ball that they must use on their first hole at least.
  • The team low marker chooses the shot they are going to use well before they reach the balls.
  • The golfer whose shot is taken is eliminated from participating in the next shot.
  • This next shot is played by the other 3 team members from the chosen ball. Each ball is placed within 30 cm of the chosen ball and in the same area of the course, ie. on fairway, in rough, in sand or in a penalty area.
  • A player is only eliminated for the one shot following his/her selected shot.
  • This process continues up until the ball is on the putting green, where all four players have the opportunity to sink the putt. A ball is considered to be on a green if any part of the ball is touching the cut, prepared surface of the green.
  • The ball chosen on the green is to be marked, and other balls must be played within 10 cm of this marker, not nearer the hole. The ball that is marked is to be replaced and played last.
  • All four players tee off the next hole and the elimination process begins again, until the ball is placed on the putting green.
  • Each team member’s tee shot must be used at least three (3) times per round
  • The eliminated player cannot take a practice shot during the time they are eliminated
  • Handicap is 1/8th of combined handicap

Local Rules – please read the notice Board.

Marking the card

  • Clearly identify whose tee shot is chosen for each hole using the players initials.
  • Two players to sign the card at the conclusion.

Prize Structure

  • Gross winners         $600 for the team + names on permanent trophy
  • Nett winners            $600 for the team + names on permanent trophy
  • 2nd place nett          $400 for the team
  • 3rd place nett          $320 for the team
  • 4th place nett          $240 for the team
  • 5th place nett          $200 for the team
  • 6th place nett          $140 for the team


  • The bar will be available from 10 am at club prices.