Annual General Meeting of JGC

Club President Phil Hahn

President Phil Hahn announced last night that 100 days of course closure due to flooding and 100 days of Covid restrictions has affected the finances of our club.

As the auditor’s report details, it has been a very dismal year financially with a loss of $127,255 compared to a profit of $263,455 in 2020/21. Unfortunately, this does eat into our war chest intended to deliver on a number of initiatives (largely deferred from the year just elapsed) planned for the year/s ahead (see below). Thankfully, we started this horrendous period with very healthy financial reserves. The loss is explainable and was due entirely to circumstances totally beyond the Board’s control.

The 21-22 Year in Summary

· Financial result of $127,255 Loss.

· An increase in member numbers up by 25 to 561 (May 2021 to May 2022)

An enormous amount of work has been invested into the development of a Masterplan for the Club. Local retired architect and club member Terry Graham is assisting Bob Neilson, Geoff Wilson, and myself with the development of this document. Thanks also to Joe Neilson for his assistance with a variety of aerial imagery utilised in this document. There was by necessity a very long delay with this project while we endeavoured to negotiate the acquisition of the 4th hole lease area from Club Jamberoo. Unfortunately, Club Jamberoo is unwilling to part with that land, so the Board has determined to proceed with the plan on the basis that that land will no longer be available to us beyond 30 September 2025, expiry of the current lease.

Should Club Jamberoo change their mind before we have invested beyond a point of no return, then acquisition would still be an option. The Masterplan looks forward at all the potential works, developments, and improvements to the course we would like to achieve over the next 10-15 years. It will pull all these together into a plan with complementary environmental, engineering, and architectural consultant input that can be presented to Council for overarching planning approval and as necessary identification of items requiring another level of development approval. It will include a vegetation management plan and most likely a water management plan.

Once completed the approved Masterplan will guide the Board’s decision making and financial priorities in the years ahead. Importantly it will be a key instrument to support grant applications.

Addressing flood-related damage (e.g., 16th Retaining Wall) is a component of this plan.

· Purchase of a near new tractor with backhoe and attachments – Backhoe and Bucket ($50,000).

· Repair and reseal of the Club’s entrance driveway ($25,000)

· A new Point of Sale (BEPOZ) system installed and operational ($10,000).

· Replacement of the club’s computer systems ($3,600).

· Numerous course improvements to paths, greens, tees etc.

· The loyalty membership discount for those members over 80 years of age who have been members for 10 or more years has been continued.

The Year Ahead

Our focus needs to remain on continuous improvement of the course and revenue-related aspects associated with the club house facility as we drive to attract new members and encourage the return of former members to our club, which will improve revenues and underpin the future success of the Club.

Completion of the Masterplan and submission of a “staged Development Application” to Council. Once the Plan is sufficiently well advanced some form of member consultation process will be undertaken.

Replacement of the roof on the rental property ($12,650 – Accepted Quote)

Progressing work on updating our Articles of Association or replacing these with a new Constitution.

A new Agreement to instal the Return & Earn recycling facility in the Club’s car park has been entered into with Tomra boosting revenue by $13,200 per annum in license fees.

Improved greens management has suppressed the couch infestations and will hopefully delay any need for major green restoration work.

Continue investigation of options to secure the provision of Professional Golf Services. It is likely that this will need to be deferred until the club can recover from flood related impacts to membership numbers.

Phil Hahn President.

New Board of Directors Announced

The 2022-23 Board of Directors was announced at last night’s meeting.

President, Phil Hahn

Vice-President, Kim Oborn

Captain, David Ransom

Vice-Captain, Larry Kent

Treasurer, Geoff Wilson

Robert Neilson

Patrick Paris

Shane Townsend

Kenneth Holt

Colin Booth

New Life Member Elected

In a special motion to the AGM David Ransom was nominated as life member of Jamberoo Golf Club in recognition of his years of dedicated service to the members of the club. The members present accepted this nomination and David joins our roll of life members.

David, although surprised by the nomination, was honoured to accept his elevation and thanked those members present for their faith in him.

He remains passionate about the club and its members and dedicated to service to the members of the club. He hopes to further contribute to the growth and development of the club over the coming years.

Life members Lance Fredericks, Phil Lewis, and Geoff Boxsell welcome David to their cadre.

One thought on “Annual General Meeting of JGC

  1. Absolutely delighted that the club as rewarded David for his professionalism and efforts to ensure that Jamberoo members are kept up to date with the daily progress of the club.
    His reports in the daily cow are always entertaining and extremely well written.
    Well done to the club for also recognising Dave’s contribution as the club’s captain.
    In our recent never ending condition changes around the course David has always tried to inform the members and guide them through this difficult period.

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