Gareth Ward Visits Jamberoo Golf Club

Last Friday Jamberoo Golf Club had the pleasure of hosting our local State member of Parliament, Gareth Ward.

Gareth was invited to tour the course with Club President Phil and Women’s President Pam along with our Greenkeeper Nick.

Afterwards he was pleased to present club volunteer stubby holders at a special afternoon tea.

While touring the course Gareth was presented with a special pictorial folder which highlighted the recent issues suffered at the course.

A Pictorial Tour Of Flood Impacts on Jamberoo Golf Course 2024

The tour of the course along with constant reference to a pictorial folder of the ‘Armageddon’ we faced after the April flood event, combined with being met by a large team of volunteers had quite a dramatic effect on our local member. Gareth was very sincere in conveying to Phil his strong support for our club in the face of our obvious difficulties.

A comment by Col Booth, Director JGC

Two political careers were launched on Friday during Gareth Wards’ visit. Instead of slow driving to enable Phil to Maximise Jamberoo’s presentation to Gareth Ward, Pam Middlebrook, driving the Royal Chariot and using her parliamentary tactical knowledge opted for the Slow Battery flickering light manoeuvre, often used in Federal Parliament. This allowed Phil to thoroughly explain using his legislative petition of what Armageddon looks like on a Golf course.

Jamberoo now have two vehicles abandoned on the Golf Course one in the Minnamurra River and one near the Minnamurra River!
Gareth was also so impressed with Jamberoo’s ‘Little Red Fire Engine’ that he would like to use in Parliament House to hose down some uninteresting debates.

The Jamberoo Board would like to thank all the Volunteers who attended on Friday Afternoon to ensure Gareth’s visit will deliver over time a strong charge to all the Members and subsequent benefits to eventuate.

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