Jamberoo Mixed Open

The course had taken a hammering over the previous 24 hours following the gale force westerly winds that had uprooted several trees. Not to be deterred the 42 combatants in this year’s Mixed Open battled the conditions and enjoyed the unique challenge of playing Jamberoo in the wind.

Afterwards many a story was told about troubles encountered and those that were mastered as players celebrated in our after match BBQ and presentation.

Thank you to Gus O’Brien and Philip Thompson for their cooking skills and to the bakers of the fine slices served with the meal.

Of course as we celebrated the achievements of our winners the wind decided to abate to make for a pleasant time on the veranda with much good cheer shared between players.

The Gross winners on the day were Elise and Ben Howchin from the Grange with a score of 82 off the stick.

Nett winners were Leanne Hayes and Jeremy Cooper from The Links Shell Cove with a nett score of 71.25.

Thank you to all players for participating and sharing your support of our oldest Open event.

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