2022 Oaks Automotive Open Ambrose

A very cold and windy morning under overcast and threatening skies greeted the 109 competitors in the 2022 Open Ambrose sponsored by Oaks Automotive.

The good news was that, whilst remaining windy, the rain stayed away and a full days play was enjoyed by one and all, even those that played with Ron Chilby and those pants!

Scoring was sensational with the red-hot group of Steve Townsend, Paul Fairall, Matthew Mitchell and Steve Webb firing a sensational 12 under par round of golf including a front nine of 25 which is 8 under par.

Two other groups, Matthew Levi, Wayne Levi, Del Crockford and Luke Crockford, and, Katie Dorahy, Ryan Dorahy, Dylan McDonald and Chase Boreland shot very impressive 8 under par rounds of 59 in excellent displays.

Nett winners on the day were Matt Levi, Wayne Levi, Luke Crockford and Del Crockford with a score of 51.25 which is 15.75 under nett par. The group of Richard Walker, Darren Mears, Andrew Dick and Luke Stevens were a close second on 53.25.

Final group Paddy Rees, Susan, Jaime and Graeme Phillipson squeezed out Sponsor Steve Oppert’s group to take the 6th and final nett place by 3/8 of a shot.


Gross Winners:  S Townsend, P Fairall, M Mitchell & S Webb 55

Nett Winners:   M Levi, W Levi, D Crockford & L Crockford  51.25 nett  Runners Up:    R Walker, D Mears, A Dick & L Stevens  54.125 nett  3rd:   R Dorahy, K Dorahy, C Boreland & D McDonald  55.375 nett  4th:  G Reynolds, J Willoughby, B Fielding & P Henderson  56 nett  5th:   M Ross, S Lacey, M Tedeschi & C Kiayias  56.25 nett  6th:   P Rees, S Phillipson, J Phillipson & G Phillipson  57.625 nett

Supershot 13th:       P Wheatley  235 cm

Jamberoo Golf Club club would like to thank all players for their support today, especially our 24 visitors. It is hoped that you enjoyed your day on the course.

Of course a very big thankyou goes to our sponsor Steve Oppert from OAKS Automotive, whose strong support of Jamberoo Golf Club is very much appreciated.

Thank you mate.

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