2022 Jamberoo Open Ambrose Championship Rules and Conditions

Playing the game

  • All team members tee off on each hole.
  • All players will receive a free golf ball that they must use on their first hole at least.
  • The team low marker chooses the shot they are going to use well before they reach the balls.
  • The golfer whose shot is taken is eliminated from participating in the next shot.
  • This next shot is played by the other 3 team members from the chosen ball. Each ball is placed within 30 cm of the chosen ball and in the same area of the course, ie. on fairway, in rough, in sand or in a penalty area.
  • A player is only eliminated for the one shot following his/her selected shot.
  • This process continues up until the ball is on the putting green, where all four players have the opportunity to sink the putt. A ball is considered to be on a green if any part of the ball is touching the cut, prepared surface of the green.
  • The ball chosen on the green is to be marked, and other balls must be played within 10 cm of this marker, not nearer the hole. The ball that is marked is to be replaced and played last.
  • All four players tee off the next hole and the elimination process begins again, until the ball is placed on the putting green.
  • Each team member’s tee shot must be used at least three (3) times per round
  • The eliminated player cannot take a practice shot during the time they are eliminated
  • Handicap is 1/8th of combined handicap

Local Rules – please read the notice Board.

Marking the card

  • Clearly identify whose tee shot is chosen for each hole using the players initials.
  • Two players to sign the card at the conclusion.

Prize Structure

  • Gross winners         $600 for the team + names on permanent trophy
  • Nett winners            $600 for the team + names on permanent trophy
  • 2nd place nett          $400 for the team
  • 3rd place nett          $320 for the team
  • 4th place nett          $240 for the team
  • 5th place nett          $200 for the team
  • 6th place nett          $140 for the team


  • The bar will be available from 10 am at club prices.

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