News from Jamberoo Golf Club – 22 July

Our bad luck with the weather continues which has made it difficult for our staff. Despite this they have done a marvellous job preparing the course. Heavy overnight rain, however, has caused some changes to this weekend’s play.

The course remains OPEN but holes 5 and 9 are considered not in good enough condition for play to be allowed on them.

Obviously motorised carts will not be allowed until at least next Wednesday.

On Saturday the competition will be walking only (motorised pull buggies are ok). To protect the course we will allow optional teeing up through the green and will play 16 holes (Holes 1 to 4, then 6 to 8, followed by the back nine, 5 and 9 are out).

Sunday sees the playing of the Mixed Open. 18 holes will be contested in this event. Holes 1 to 4, then 6 to 8, followed by the back nine. After completing hole 18, players will replay 1 and finish on 4 (walking only).

On Monday, in the Mens Veterans Championship, it will be walking only with the same routing as Sunday, replaying 1 and finishing on 4.

Best of luck for all members who are playing in our events this weekend.

Dave Ransom
Lance Fredericks, bottle in hand, with Captain Dave Ransom

News from the Course – 20th July

I was informed today that we have 17 holes now in play, but I must add that this was before this afternoon’s rainfall.

Having played the course today I was amazed at how good a condition the course is in, especially the smoothness of the greens. It is true that there are many places that are still recovering and preferred lies through the green are still needed along with liberal use of free drop from wet areas and bare, ‘brown’, areas.

Please avoid wet areas, soft, muddy or sandy patches and those areas being worked on by our staff on the 10th hole.

The Women’s Veterans day has been postponed for Thursday due to the poor weather forecast.

Planned Saturday, Sunday and Monday competitions remain to be played as scheduled.

Further info will be given on Friday in relation to course playability depending on what the weather throws at us the rest of this week.

The Jamberoo Mixed Open is a Canadian Foursomes event and will be played on Sunday. A Presentation and luncheon will be held at its conclusion with lunch being BYO food. Currently we have 10 keen groups playing from 9.30 am. Best of luck.

On Monday the Male Veterans Championships will be contested and there will be a new champion with defending champion, Greg Seymour, enjoying balmy times in Queensland. It is an 18 hole stroke event with a maximum score of 9 on any hole. Play well and good luck.

On Sunday 31st of July the Elders Real Estate Jamberoo Mens Open is set to be played. A decision will be made next week if the event will still be contested given the very few entries to date.

2022 Mens Championship

The format is different this year with the 4 rounds to be played over 2 weekends commencing on Saturday August 6. The second round we be contested on Sunday August 7, and the third and fourth rounds on Saturday August 13, and Sunday August 14.

A separate daily event will be held each day for those who may miss a round or are otherwise unavailable for a round.

The Jamberoo Platter will be contested in the third round in the form of a stableford event for those who no longer consider themselves a chance to win the Championship in their grade or for those who have missed an earlier round for whatever reason.

2022 Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Open Ambrose

This popular Open event will be contested on Saturday 20th of August. Its format is elimination Ambrose. Every player will receive a gift courtesy of generous sponsor Oaks Automotive.

Highlights of Wednesday’s Stableford

Only a small field took to the course today with the threat of showers. Those that did were blessed with very nice, dry conditions.

Shot of the day was played by Don Thompson who skulled his tee shot on the par three seventh only to see it skip over the water like a thrown stone, and finish about 6 metres from the flag to win the nearest the pin. Amazing shot Don!

Don later in his round had an incredible par 3 on the 15th. Hitting driver off the tee he pulled it straight left into that little tree just off the tee. Having no other club with him, he played the driver from the rough and such was the sweetness of the strike that the ball found its way onto the green. A single putt was all that was required to score the most unlikely of pars!

Great to be back on the course!

2018 Jamberoo Open nett winner Don Thompson

News from the Course – 17th July

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of members of Jamberoo Golf Club Limited will be held at the Club Lounge on Tuesday 23rd of August 2022 at 7.30 pm.


  1. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Jamberoo Golf Club Limited held on 30th November 2021.
  2. To receive and consider the Report of the Board.
  3. To receive and consider the Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Statement and Report of the Auditors.
  4. To declare and confirm the Board for the ensuing year (see the notice concerning nominations below).
  5. To discuss proposals for Life Membership.
  6. To deal with any other business brought forward in accordance with the Club’s Articles of Association.

Nominations for the Board of Directors

Nominations are invited for the following positions on the Jamberoo Golf Club Board of Directors for 2022-2023:







Under Article 77g, the Honorary Secretary is appointed by the Board.

Nominations must be in writing and signed by the nominee and by two (2) full members of the Club.

Full members may nominate for all positions and if not elected to one will automatically go into the ballot for the next position in the order listed above.

Nomination forms are available at the Golf Club Shop and Office.

Nominations, which will close at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, 26th July, 2022, should be delivered by hand to the Golf Club office or posted to the Secretary at Jamberoo Golf Club, PO Box 112, Jamberoo NSW 2533.

Robert Neilson

Honorary Secretary

Upcoming Events

This Week

The Women’s Veterans Championship has been postponed to later in the year.

On Tuesday the Women’s daily event will be a stableford.

The Women’s Veterans day on Thursday will also be a stableford and members are reminded that a special male event will be run for male veteran members. Members are reminded that a luncheon will be held following golf, which will include sandwiches, a slice of cake and tea or coffee for a cost of $6.

The Mixed Open, Sunday July 24. Bookings are now being taken for this Open Event. The format of the day is a Canadian Foursomes with tee times available from 9.30.

After the event, a luncheon followed by a presentation will be held. Please BYO food.

Next Week

Mens Veterans Championships, Monday July 25.

Those members wishing to play in the special Shoalhaven Heads comp should note the clash in dates with the championship.

Jamberoo Mens Open, Sunday July 31

Online Bookings become available on Sunday 24th of July. Popular morning tee times, between 7 am to 8am, can be booked by ringing the golf shop on 42 36 0404 in advance.

Mens Individual Matchplay Draw

Following yesterday’s round the draw has been completed for the 2022 Individual Matchplay Championships.

It will be published to the noticeboard this week and can be accessed on the link below.

Matchplay Draw

Matchplay Contact Details to be emailed/SMS to participants shortly. In the mean time please contact the club Captain.

Please comply with the dates for each round. Round 1 is to completed by August 23.

Play from the Blue markers.

The handicap to be used will be your current GA handicap rounded to the nearest whole number (ie 17.5 becomes 18, 5.4 becomes 5).

Michael Bartlett Funeral Arrangements

The Funeral Service for Michael Bartlett will be at HANSON AND COLE FUNERALS AT KEMBLA GRANGE on Thursday the 21st July at 12pm. A wake will be held at the Albion Park Bowling Club after the service in memory of Mick. Some finger food will be supplied.

Jamberoo Golf Club to Open Saturday

After a course inspection this morning we will be able to open 15 holes for a competition Saturday.

There are some sandy patches on the 12th hole

We will play holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 in that order.

Holes 5, 7 and 9 are not yet suitable for play.

Motorised Carts will be available for competition players only. Users are requested to avoid wet and muddy areas.

The 10th and 12th holes have a lot of river sand left behind by the floods so a ball finishing in these areas will be allowed a free drop in a non-affected area.

30 cm preferred lies will be allowed through the green (not in penalty areas).

Next week the Women’s Veterans Championship was due to be played. This event has been postponed to later in the year. All other Women’s Veterans events are open to both male and female veteran golfers.

The Mixed Open, Sunday July 24, the Mens Open, Sunday July 31 and the Mens Veterans Championships, Monday July 25, will be played as scheduled, depending on the status of the course.

Bookings can be taken through the Golf shop or online as they become due.

Shoalhaven Heads

Many thanks go to Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club for allowing many of our members to get a game of golf during the floods we have experienced this year. Naturally they have been very busy and wish to organise things so that visitors to their club are not left disappointed and unable to get a game.

The Shoalhaven Heads Captain, Phil Behan, has contacted me this morning with a new initiative that they are introducing.

“My name is Phil Behan and I am the Captain of Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club. 
As many clubs have been faced with limiting the use of their golf course, members have had to look elsewhere to play the game we all love.
Shoalhaven Heads has been fortunate in that we have only been closed on two occasions during these trying times. Many of your club’s members along with members from other nearby clubs have been trying to play in our competitions.  Some have been lucky and got a game, many missed out as spots were in short supply.
As a result, Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club will, for a limited time, be holding a  “Visitors Only” competition on Mondays.  We will be inviting 3 clubs to participate in each event.  Unfortunately, we will only have room for 20 players from each of these clubs as the Tee times will be from 9:00 to 11:00.
I am inviting members of your club to participate in the event on Monday the 25th of July. (Tee times from 10:20 to 10:52)
To participate, we would request that your club assign a co-ordinator, who would gather the list of the names and golf link numbers of the 20 members playing and provide the list to us by email., no later than Wednesday 20th July. 
We will run the Monday competition for as long as is necessary to allow golfers to enjoy some competitive play.  We will be inviting 12 clubs to take part.”

I will leave a sheet outside the golf shop from Saturday and request any Jamberoo members who are interested to add their name to the list. I will then send that list to ‘The Heads’ on Wednesday.

Sad Tidings

It is with deep regret that I announce the passing of Jamberoo member, and friend, Mick Bartlett.

After a long struggle against cancer Mick was accepted into the company of angels at 1.20 am Monday night.

Mick will be sadly missed by his wife and family and his many friends at the golf club.

Strong in character and brave to the end we will miss Mick’s humorous adventures on the course.

It was a pleasure to play with him each Saturday.

Rest in Peace mate.