News from Jamberoo Golf Club – 22 July

Our bad luck with the weather continues which has made it difficult for our staff. Despite this they have done a marvellous job preparing the course. Heavy overnight rain, however, has caused some changes to this weekend’s play.

The course remains OPEN but holes 5 and 9 are considered not in good enough condition for play to be allowed on them.

Obviously motorised carts will not be allowed until at least next Wednesday.

On Saturday the competition will be walking only (motorised pull buggies are ok). To protect the course we will allow optional teeing up through the green and will play 16 holes (Holes 1 to 4, then 6 to 8, followed by the back nine, 5 and 9 are out).

Sunday sees the playing of the Mixed Open. 18 holes will be contested in this event. Holes 1 to 4, then 6 to 8, followed by the back nine. After completing hole 18, players will replay 1 and finish on 4 (walking only).

On Monday, in the Mens Veterans Championship, it will be walking only with the same routing as Sunday, replaying 1 and finishing on 4.

Best of luck for all members who are playing in our events this weekend.

Dave Ransom
Lance Fredericks, bottle in hand, with Captain Dave Ransom

2 thoughts on “News from Jamberoo Golf Club – 22 July

  1. Glad that we are slowly getting back to normal. Sorry to say, but I will be away all August. I am glad of the 2 week championship, I hope that you can make it every year. Good luck , Regards Bruce.

  2. Enjoy your time away Bruce and thanks for your support for the new championship set up.

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