News from the Course – 20th July

I was informed today that we have 17 holes now in play, but I must add that this was before this afternoon’s rainfall.

Having played the course today I was amazed at how good a condition the course is in, especially the smoothness of the greens. It is true that there are many places that are still recovering and preferred lies through the green are still needed along with liberal use of free drop from wet areas and bare, ‘brown’, areas.

Please avoid wet areas, soft, muddy or sandy patches and those areas being worked on by our staff on the 10th hole.

The Women’s Veterans day has been postponed for Thursday due to the poor weather forecast.

Planned Saturday, Sunday and Monday competitions remain to be played as scheduled.

Further info will be given on Friday in relation to course playability depending on what the weather throws at us the rest of this week.

The Jamberoo Mixed Open is a Canadian Foursomes event and will be played on Sunday. A Presentation and luncheon will be held at its conclusion with lunch being BYO food. Currently we have 10 keen groups playing from 9.30 am. Best of luck.

On Monday the Male Veterans Championships will be contested and there will be a new champion with defending champion, Greg Seymour, enjoying balmy times in Queensland. It is an 18 hole stroke event with a maximum score of 9 on any hole. Play well and good luck.

On Sunday 31st of July the Elders Real Estate Jamberoo Mens Open is set to be played. A decision will be made next week if the event will still be contested given the very few entries to date.

2022 Mens Championship

The format is different this year with the 4 rounds to be played over 2 weekends commencing on Saturday August 6. The second round we be contested on Sunday August 7, and the third and fourth rounds on Saturday August 13, and Sunday August 14.

A separate daily event will be held each day for those who may miss a round or are otherwise unavailable for a round.

The Jamberoo Platter will be contested in the third round in the form of a stableford event for those who no longer consider themselves a chance to win the Championship in their grade or for those who have missed an earlier round for whatever reason.

2022 Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Open Ambrose

This popular Open event will be contested on Saturday 20th of August. Its format is elimination Ambrose. Every player will receive a gift courtesy of generous sponsor Oaks Automotive.

Highlights of Wednesday’s Stableford

Only a small field took to the course today with the threat of showers. Those that did were blessed with very nice, dry conditions.

Shot of the day was played by Don Thompson who skulled his tee shot on the par three seventh only to see it skip over the water like a thrown stone, and finish about 6 metres from the flag to win the nearest the pin. Amazing shot Don!

Don later in his round had an incredible par 3 on the 15th. Hitting driver off the tee he pulled it straight left into that little tree just off the tee. Having no other club with him, he played the driver from the rough and such was the sweetness of the strike that the ball found its way onto the green. A single putt was all that was required to score the most unlikely of pars!

Great to be back on the course!

2018 Jamberoo Open nett winner Don Thompson

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