Jamberoo Golf Club to Open Saturday

After a course inspection this morning we will be able to open 15 holes for a competition Saturday.

There are some sandy patches on the 12th hole

We will play holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 in that order.

Holes 5, 7 and 9 are not yet suitable for play.

Motorised Carts will be available for competition players only. Users are requested to avoid wet and muddy areas.

The 10th and 12th holes have a lot of river sand left behind by the floods so a ball finishing in these areas will be allowed a free drop in a non-affected area.

30 cm preferred lies will be allowed through the green (not in penalty areas).

Next week the Women’s Veterans Championship was due to be played. This event has been postponed to later in the year. All other Women’s Veterans events are open to both male and female veteran golfers.

The Mixed Open, Sunday July 24, the Mens Open, Sunday July 31 and the Mens Veterans Championships, Monday July 25, will be played as scheduled, depending on the status of the course.

Bookings can be taken through the Golf shop or online as they become due.

Shoalhaven Heads

Many thanks go to Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club for allowing many of our members to get a game of golf during the floods we have experienced this year. Naturally they have been very busy and wish to organise things so that visitors to their club are not left disappointed and unable to get a game.

The Shoalhaven Heads Captain, Phil Behan, has contacted me this morning with a new initiative that they are introducing.

“My name is Phil Behan and I am the Captain of Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club. 
As many clubs have been faced with limiting the use of their golf course, members have had to look elsewhere to play the game we all love.
Shoalhaven Heads has been fortunate in that we have only been closed on two occasions during these trying times. Many of your club’s members along with members from other nearby clubs have been trying to play in our competitions.  Some have been lucky and got a game, many missed out as spots were in short supply.
As a result, Shoalhaven Heads Golf Club will, for a limited time, be holding a  “Visitors Only” competition on Mondays.  We will be inviting 3 clubs to participate in each event.  Unfortunately, we will only have room for 20 players from each of these clubs as the Tee times will be from 9:00 to 11:00.
I am inviting members of your club to participate in the event on Monday the 25th of July. (Tee times from 10:20 to 10:52)
To participate, we would request that your club assign a co-ordinator, who would gather the list of the names and golf link numbers of the 20 members playing and provide the list to us by email. shgolfclub2@bigpond.com, no later than Wednesday 20th July. 
We will run the Monday competition for as long as is necessary to allow golfers to enjoy some competitive play.  We will be inviting 12 clubs to take part.”

I will leave a sheet outside the golf shop from Saturday and request any Jamberoo members who are interested to add their name to the list. I will then send that list to ‘The Heads’ on Wednesday.

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