Charity 4p Ambrose – Saturday

Continuing the tradition of Jamberoo Members generously donating to worthy charities this Saturday’s Ambrose will be dedicated to ‘The Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund‘.

The JDRF works to improve the lives of those affected by type 1 diabetes in three ways.

Research: We evaluate the global research landscape and support the most promising programs from innovative early-stage research through to life-changing clinical trials – all with the goal of treating, preventing or curing T1D.

Advocacy: We push to shape government policy and approval for new treatments, advocating for research funding and financial support.

Community: We provide support for the T1D community, creating connections across the T1D field and sharing knowledge.

If you wish you can make a cash donation into the jar which will be located near where you collect your score card. The club will match $ for $ any cash donation.

Alternatively you can donate direct to the charity online via their web page

As a further choice you can donate to any charity of your choice if you so desire.

Jamberoo Golf Club Charity Day Rules

4 Person AMBROSE    25-11-2023

Competition Fee: $16

Donation: Up to each individual player.

Handicap: 1/8 of combined handicaps. Female players attract an extra 4 shots to their handicap.


All players tee off on all holes and play all shots.

  1. A minimum of 3 tee shots shall be selected for each player and marked on the score card.
  2. Decide as you walk to the balls which ball to play so as to keep play flowing. Select the best ball to play and mark its position. Players will play from this spot after placing their ball within one club length (10cm on Putting Green) of the selected ball (or mark).
  3. If the position of the selected ball is in the rough, a sand bunker or a penalty area then the other players balls must be placed and played from the rough or same penalty area or sand bunker.
  4. This process continues until the team has completed the hole.
  5. The scorecard must be signed by the marker and one other team member.

Nearest the pin and Super Shot will be played as usual but there will be no drive and pitch prizes on the day.

News From the Course – Sunday 19 November

Golf Operations moved to Bar Area.

As many members seem to know a section of the ceiling in the golfshop collapsed on Friday and is disrupting our ability to use the golf shop. Urgent repairs will take place as soon as possible.

For safety reasons we have been forced to continue all golf operations in the bar area until repairs have been completed.

Monday Vets 2 Person Ambrose.

Tomorrow sees the playing of a shotgun start from 7.30. Please be at the club well before this time to assist the starter get out carts and to organise you into your tee arrangements.

Cost is $10 per person and includes a free sausage sandwich at the conclusion along with a free raffle.

Charity 4 person Ambrose next Saturday.

The ‘official charity’ nominated for next Saturday’s 4 person Ambrose is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund.

A container will be left out near the bar for any members who wish to give a cash donation to the ‘Juvenile Diabetes Research’ fund.

In a new innovation members unable to make a cash donation are requested to make a private donation to their favourite charity as they see fit.

The cost of the day will be our usual $16 for members.

We at Jamberoo Golf Club continue to appreciate our many generous members whose fine record in donating to worthy causes is noteworthy.

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 24 November 2023.

Do you have a few hours to give to help with gardening and general maintenance? This is your chance to get your hands dirty and help look after your Club.

The last Volunteer Working Bee for 2023 is on Friday 24th November and new and returning volunteers will be welcomed. We meet at 8.15am at the Starters Shed and finish about 12:00 for lunch.

Be sure to wear closed in shoes and a hat, and gardeners, bring along your trowels, forks or mattocks.

Register your participation on the sheet available in the bar area by Wednesday 23/11/2023. We hope to see you there!

Seaside and Valley – help required.

Lance would like to thank the few volunteers who are available to help on either, Monday 27th of November orFriday 1st of December.

He would like to have a few more of our members, their friends or their family, to help out.

If you can spare a few hours then please place your name on the list in the golf shop.

It would be greatly appreciated.

News from the Course 14 November

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 24 November 2023.

Do you have a few hours to give to help with gardening and general maintenance? This is your chance to get your hands dirty and help look after your Club.

The last Volunteer Working Bee for 2023 is on Friday 24th November and new and returning volunteers will be welcomed. We meet at 8.15am at the Starters Shed and finish about 12:00 for lunch.

Be sure to wear closed in shoes and a hat, and gardeners, bring along your trowels, forks or mattocks.

Register your participation with the golf shop by Wednesday 23/11/2023. We hope to see you there!

Seaside and Valley – help required.

Lance would like to thank the few volunteers who are available to help on either, Monday 27th of November orFriday 1st of December.

He would like to have a few more of our members, their friends or their family, to help out.

If you can spare a few hours then please place your name on the list in the golf shop.

It would be greatly appreciated.

Womens Gold Medalists.

The 2023 Womens Gold Medalists have been confirmed after todays round of golf.

A Grade – Jenelle Anderson

B Grade – Lyn Kuskey

C Grade – Rose Sheath

Congratualtions to the 2023 Goldies!

4 Ball Match Play Titles reach exciting conclusions

Both the Men’s and Women’s 4 Ball Matchplay titles are reaching their conclusions for 2023.

In the Women’s, the final was played last Friday with the team of Helen Wainwright and Pam Middlebrook winning 5/4 over Jenelle Anderson and Kay Brennan to become the 2023 Hooker Cup Champions. Congratulations to both teams on reaching the final and well played to our new champions.

In the Mens the final is about to be played between Peter Francis & Noel Laman versus Ron Hewson & Pete Munro. A close match is certainly expected and on the cards.

Good luck to both teams.

Hot weather precautions.

We have had several hot days already on the course and with summer approaching players are advised to take some precautions.

While the lower activity levels of golf compared to athletics mean that the risks are somewhat reduced, the individual response to heat varies from person to person and therefore no hard and fast guidelines will suit every member of a population.
Those who need to be especially vigilant include children, overweight people, those unacclimatised (having come from cooler climes), those who are unwell or otherwise at risk.
Factors which impair the body’s ability to dissipate heat are:
High ambient temperature, Solar radiation, Humidity (which compromises the efficacy of sweating)
and Dehydration.

  • Where possible, golf should be played in the morning to avoid the hottest part of the day.
  • To diminish the risk of heat stress, fluid should be consumed before, during and after golf. Water is considered an adequate fluid option for activities lasting up to one hour. Participants in events or activities exceeding one hour are recommended to use carbohydrate-based sports drinks as a means of replacing fluids, carbohydrates and electrolytes lost during prolonged activity. In regard to post-event re-hydration, it needs to be remembered that this can take 24 hours or more.
  • Light coloured, loose fitting clothes, of natural fibres or composite fabrics, with high wicking (absorption) properties that provide for adequate ventilation are recommended as the most appropriate clothing in the heat.
  • It is recommended that all players, caddies and officials wear hats to assist in the prevention of heat illness. Ideally, hats should be wide-brimmed and well vented.
  • Sunscreen with a minimum SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating of 30+ should be used by all players, it is recommended that the sunscreen is reapplied periodically at approximately two-hour intervals.

Golf Australia Guidelines