News from the Course 14 November

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 24 November 2023.

Do you have a few hours to give to help with gardening and general maintenance? This is your chance to get your hands dirty and help look after your Club.

The last Volunteer Working Bee for 2023 is on Friday 24th November and new and returning volunteers will be welcomed. We meet at 8.15am at the Starters Shed and finish about 12:00 for lunch.

Be sure to wear closed in shoes and a hat, and gardeners, bring along your trowels, forks or mattocks.

Register your participation with the golf shop by Wednesday 23/11/2023. We hope to see you there!

Seaside and Valley – help required.

Lance would like to thank the few volunteers who are available to help on either, Monday 27th of November orFriday 1st of December.

He would like to have a few more of our members, their friends or their family, to help out.

If you can spare a few hours then please place your name on the list in the golf shop.

It would be greatly appreciated.

Womens Gold Medalists.

The 2023 Womens Gold Medalists have been confirmed after todays round of golf.

A Grade – Jenelle Anderson

B Grade – Lyn Kuskey

C Grade – Rose Sheath

Congratualtions to the 2023 Goldies!

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