Rare birds spotted at Jamberoo!

With safety the key concern the 12th hole has been shortened on the last two Wednesdays due to the tree works. Although officially still playing as a par 5, in reality it had the distance of a short par 4. One might have thought that this would have affected the ‘Daily Difficulty Rating’ but interestingly it had no effect.

This has led, however, to some remarkable scores being recorded. Apart from the many usual pars or higher, several players were able to record 4’s. Certainly good for the ego and great for the Eclectic!

The first Wednesday saw only one 3 recorded.

A ‘Convocation of Eagles’ descended last Wednesday with 5 players recording a 3. What’s more an even rarer bird was spotted!

Club Champion Noel Laman managed to score a 2, an Albatross! The rarest ‘bird’ in golf.

Noel Laman

Of course as the hole was shortened by some 200m no special prizes were awarded for the eagles, only the glory, the help with the eclectic, and bragging rights.

However I think it appropriate that Noel receive credit for his achievement. 3 balls to his account and a lifetime of memories!

Well played Noel.

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