Action from the Course – 21 September

President vs Captain Day – Saturday

The Presidential team as winners of last year’s challenge have decreed that “Riding for the Disabled” will be the nominated charity for this year’s event.

The cost of the stableford round is the usual $16.

A Donation Box will be left in the golfshop for members to make cash donations as they pay their comp entry fee. Alternatively you can use EFT to donate to the charity. We only have the facility to accept $25: $16 to the comp fee and $9 to the charity.

Please be generous to this very worthy charity.

Dave Ransom

(Go the Cap team!)

Riding for the Disabled Association (NSW) Illawarra – is a voluntary not for profit organisation situated in the beautiful countryside at Jerrara Dam. RDA provides equine assisted activities for people with disabilities to develop and enhance abilities.

Plovers make Phil a target

Phil Gosling was enjoying his game today but came a cropper on the 16th.

As playing partner Stephen Gemmill witnessed,

” After being buzzed by the plovers on the 16th, Phil got his umbrella out for protection, but when he put his umbrella back he didn’t close it properly. While standing on the 17th tee, the wind came up, blew Phil’s umbrella up like a sail and promptly deposited his bag, buggy, and possessions into the dam.

Kind of summed up his back nine.”

Stephen Gemmill

Stephen kindly set us some photos,

We all hope Phil was able to get all of his possessions back in a usable form.

Hyams Creek takes another victim.

Playing the fourth today Richard Bremner went close to the edge of Hyams Creek looking for a ball.

You guessed it, in he went, cutting his leg in the process. The wound required first aid by Linda from the Office.

Reports are that Richard is feeling ok. We certainly hope so.

Please be careful around Hyams Creek. Don’t join the increasing number of victims.

Community Cancer Link Charity Day

A beautiful Spring morning greeted all 42 players in today’s Community Cancer Link Charity Day.

A great, fun day was had by all with some excellent golf played in the 3 person Ambrose format.

After the game a luncheon was enjoyed by all and the winners were warmly acknowledged.

The big winner on the day of course is the charity and the Women’s Committee of Jamberoo Golf Club thank all for their participation and support.

Thank you everyone for a great effort today. Everyone chipped in and helped get the lunch ready and clean up afterwards. Thanks to all who brought slice to sell and sold 50 club tickets. All in all, a great combined effort.


Winners – Melissa Liebrand; Sue Paul; Kris Morrison (64 nett)

R/Up – Pam Middlebrook; Sylvia Karschies; Cheryl Smee (64.33 nett)

3rd – Jane Wall; Margaret Johnson; Judi O’Brien (66.66 nett)

Ball Winners: Kelley Greaves; Jenelle Anderson; Shirley Walsh; Helen Wainwright; Gail Rutledge; Shirley Dixon; Lyn Kuskey; Marie Farrant; Lieve Stasses; Kerrie Bickle; Kerry Michie; Lorraine Southwell; Lidia Waine; Wendy Unsworth; Kay Brennan; Rhonda McKinley; Dulcie Piper; Annette Young; Rose Sheath; Kim Oborn; Robyn Gregson.

Long Drive – Jane Wall; Lidia Waine; Kath Primmer.

Sue, a member of the winning team, reckons her team found that extra little bit drinking a specially formulated secret brew!

Kris, Sue and Melissa

I look forward to letting you know the final profit we are going to send to Community Cancer Link.

Coming Events

25th October – Ovarian Cancer Charity Day – 3 Person Hartball

8th & 10th November – Women’s Veterans Championships

29th November – Women’s Jamberoo Open Day – 2 Person Ambrose


President vs Captain Day, Stableford Matchplay.

Saturday 24th September.

It’s not really matchplay in the true sense as such. Each player will be allocated to either the Presidential team or to the Captain’s team. You will notice a P or C on your card.

This is determined by your position on the booking sheet. All names in the first and third columns will represent the Captain’s team and have a “C” written by the starter on top of their card.

All players in the second and fourth columns will represent the President’s team and will have a “P” written on their card.

If you have no opponent on the booking sheet you will be matched with a similar player from the other team.

A Captain’s representative from column 1 plays a “match” against a Presidential representative in column 2. Similarly a player from column 3 plays a “match” against a player from column 4.

A “match” is a stableford competition between the two competitors.

The player who gets the largest stableford score after 18 holes is the winner.

The winner of the match (the person with the greater stableford score) receives one point while the loser gets zero points for their team. If both finish on the same score, they get ½ point each for their respective teams.

Record 0, 1, or ½ on the top of each card depending on the result.

For the daily competition a winner and runner up will be determined from both the Captain’s team and the President’s team.

All players who get a full point will receive a ball (at least) for their win.

The entry fee for the event is $16 with donations from members going to the Nominated Charity. {You can use this as a deduction on your annual tax return if you wish}.

As defending champions, the President’s team have chosen as their Nominated Charity – ‘Riding for the Disabled’.

After outrageous claims by the opposition that the Captain’s team has been hand-picked, I give permission for “polite sledging”!

{polite sledging – things like, “That’s a big lake just short of the green”, “Have you noticed the height of that tree? It seems to have grown 5 metres this year”, “You wouldn’t like to slice here with that out of bounds so near”, “You need to hit a draw shot here, the last draw you made was with a pencil”.}

Play well and enjoy the day for a very worthy cause, and thank you on behalf of the charity.

What is the purpose of the Treasure Trove Raffle?

Many of us find it difficult to win the ‘super shot’ on a regular basis with our very inaccurate game. Playing the ‘Treasure Trove’ doesn’t require that much skill, just good luck. Just ask Dave, Geoff and Ken!

Why not have a go at both?

Aces Galore and More

With the club celebrating the 2021 Mens Presentation, the christening of our new BBQ with its ‘disco lights’, and recent hole-in-one winners it was apparent that something special was in the air.

And so it proved to be with 2 of our members recording their first ace.

Congratulations go to Rod Poidevin and Philip Thompson for their perfect shots on the 11th and 13th holes respectively.

Rod played a four iron to the 11th, landing a metre short of the hole, and then watching with awe as it went in. Wow!

Philip used a 5 hybrid on the 13th, using the terrain short of the green to great effect, to watch his ball disappear into the hole for his ace. Great shot!

Both gentlemen have already received a certificate commerating their great shot, the special hole-in-one cap and bottle of St Halletts wine from GolfNSW and St Hallets, They have also been credited with 6 balls from the club, had their names enrolled on the hole -in-one Honour Board and will have their succesful ball mounted onto a commerative trophy.

Congratulations and well played gentlemen.

2021 Mens’ Presentation

As stated above the 2021 Mens’ Presentation also took place to co-incide with the first use of the new BBQ. After months of delays due to Covid and record flooding on the course it was a pleasure to celebrate with the winners of last year’s major awards and to also give out some hole-in-one trophies.

The special raffle held was won by Lex Hodgson who wins a club shirt.

Queen’s Memorial Medley Stableford

This Thursday we will commerate the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth with an open Medley Stableford. Tee times are available from 6.30 to 10.30 am.

At 11 am we request that all players halt play for a minutes silence to contemplate the late Queen’s passing.

It only seems to happen to Mal

Playing the 16th hole on Saturday Mal Garrett’s ball came to rest in an unusual place!

A free drop?

Treasure Trove Raffle

Each Monday and Saturday (at this stage) players can enter the club Treasure Trove Raffle.

Tickets are $2 each, or 3 for $5, or 7 for $10.

Last Monday Dave Newton was the winner and yesterday Greg Rodgers was the lucky recipient.

Ony cash can be accepted.