President vs Captain Day, Stableford Matchplay.

Saturday 24th September.

It’s not really matchplay in the true sense as such. Each player will be allocated to either the Presidential team or to the Captain’s team. You will notice a P or C on your card.

This is determined by your position on the booking sheet. All names in the first and third columns will represent the Captain’s team and have a “C” written by the starter on top of their card.

All players in the second and fourth columns will represent the President’s team and will have a “P” written on their card.

If you have no opponent on the booking sheet you will be matched with a similar player from the other team.

A Captain’s representative from column 1 plays a “match” against a Presidential representative in column 2. Similarly a player from column 3 plays a “match” against a player from column 4.

A “match” is a stableford competition between the two competitors.

The player who gets the largest stableford score after 18 holes is the winner.

The winner of the match (the person with the greater stableford score) receives one point while the loser gets zero points for their team. If both finish on the same score, they get ½ point each for their respective teams.

Record 0, 1, or ½ on the top of each card depending on the result.

For the daily competition a winner and runner up will be determined from both the Captain’s team and the President’s team.

All players who get a full point will receive a ball (at least) for their win.

The entry fee for the event is $16 with donations from members going to the Nominated Charity. {You can use this as a deduction on your annual tax return if you wish}.

As defending champions, the President’s team have chosen as their Nominated Charity – ‘Riding for the Disabled’.

After outrageous claims by the opposition that the Captain’s team has been hand-picked, I give permission for “polite sledging”!

{polite sledging – things like, “That’s a big lake just short of the green”, “Have you noticed the height of that tree? It seems to have grown 5 metres this year”, “You wouldn’t like to slice here with that out of bounds so near”, “You need to hit a draw shot here, the last draw you made was with a pencil”.}

Play well and enjoy the day for a very worthy cause, and thank you on behalf of the charity.

What is the purpose of the Treasure Trove Raffle?

Many of us find it difficult to win the ‘super shot’ on a regular basis with our very inaccurate game. Playing the ‘Treasure Trove’ doesn’t require that much skill, just good luck. Just ask Dave, Geoff and Ken!

Why not have a go at both?

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