IVGA Trevor Bell Shield and WGI Gold and Bronze Rubies Pennants

The wet weather has caused the cancellation of both these events due to be played on Monday 4th of April.

It is with regret but no surprise that the first round of the TBS planned for play next Monday is postponed to a date yet to be determined. The Links deemed that the course would not be totally and safely playable and that a number of restrictions and rule changes would have to be enforced, in short, the game would not be enjoyable.

Similarly the WGI Gold and Bronze Rubies Pennant matches set down for play at Jamberoo have also sadly been cancelled.

The Women’s Captain and President have taken the sad step of canceling the Gold & Bronze Rubies Pennants at Jamberoo on Monday 4th April.

The weather pattern doesn’t appear to be improving, so they feel there is no reason to delay this decision given the state of the course.

The rain just keeps coming, 😓

“An Afternoon on the Verandah”

Thursday 31st March, 5pm – 6pm

Notice to The Champagne Golfers & other interested members.

Come and join us for an hour this Thursday.

Music: by “Kwozzi” – Di & Barney (5 – 5.30pm)

We need to plan and book a weekend timeslot to run our competition through winter.

Drop in and inform us of your availability.

NB. $2 will supply you with our normal food and beverages.

Cheers:  Pam Middlebrook & Kim Oborn

Monday Pennants @ Jamberoo

It is very doubtful if the course will be in a fit enough state to host the Women’s Pennant Matches next Monday. Further info will be posted as it becomes available. Regardless there will be no Vets comp on this day unless further notice is given. If so you will need to rebook.

Women’s Open Day

The ‘Jamberoo Open Day’ which was scheduled to be played on Tuesday 19th April will now be contested on Tuesday 9th August. Hopefully the course will be in good condition and dry by this date.

Further Course Closure

With the current rain and forecast further rainfall, it will not be possible to open the course for play this week. This includes Saturday and Sunday.

Further inspections will be held to determine play for next week.

This of course is very sad news but it must be remembered that this is a historic rain event and the worst recorded in the club’s history. Pray for dryer times.

Flooded again 2.30pm today

Sunday Rain cancels Monday Play.

  • Heavy rain over the weekend has caused the course not to be in a suitable condition for play and hence caused the cancellation of the Monday Veterans Competition. The greenstaff are doing the best they can to get the course ready but the continual rain is severely hindering their efforts.
  • The White Horse Cup semi-final was also cancelled at the Links Shell Cove, leaving our division winning team missing the final next weekend. A sad result considering the excellent efforts by the team throughout the season. Very unlucky indeed.
  • The Women’s Charity day on Tuesday has been postponed and a decision will be made on Monday if the course will be open.
  • Also the Golf/Bowls Day set for Sunday 3rd April is cancelled and will be replayed at a later date yet to be determined.

In late news, Head Greenkeeper Nick Goodger, has stated,

“With 75mm of rain over the weekend the course is beyond saturated and no play will be possible until further notice, even the 9 previously playable holes. It will be a day by day situation. I can’t see it open this week at all with more rain predicted, but I will keep you posted.”

Weekend play Cancelled

With the heavy overnight rain we have been advised by the Greenkeeping staff to cancel all play this weekend and to keep the course closed.

Lets all hope for improved weather over the weekend so that play can recommence on Monday. Clearly our plans to gradually re-open the course may need to be adjusted.

Cowpats set to play in Semi-finals

The White Horse Cup semi-finals have been transferred to the Links Shell Cove this Sunday with a tee time in the early afternoon. As one of the 4 section winners we have been seeded 4 and play the number 1 seed Moss Vale. Let’s hope for the Links to be playable to give our team a chance to progress.

Go the Pats, go the Roo!

Course slowly comes back into play.

This morning club vice-captain, Larry Kent, and assistant greenkeeper Brendan Armstrong made a detailed inspection of the course. The course is still very wet and much mud is still visible on the course. As I write the greenstaff are busy attending to this problem and working on getting more of the course in play. Apparently there has been a landslide in front of the 16th green which is naturally of concern. No carts or motorised vehicles as yet.

Arrangements for Play

We will continue to play our modified 9 hole course Saturday, Monday and Tuesday with the following temporary local rules:

  • All bunkers are out of play. A free drop, not nearer the hole, is available if you should end up in a bunker.
  • Bare and mud patches are GUR and a free drop can be taken not nearer the hole.
  • A club length preferred lie is available in the general area of the course (ie fairways and rough). This does not include penalty areas.

The March monthly medal planned for Saturday will be postponed until a later date. In its place a medley stableford will be played.

On Wednesday, weather permitting, it is hoped to have 12 holes open for play. Holes 1-9, then 10, 11 and 18.

Further plans for 15 holes will possibly be in place for the following Saturday.

Practice on the Course

The course is currently closed except for morning competition rounds. Please do not go onto the course to practice. You can still use the practice putting green and the practice fairway. If a member of the greenstaff asks you to leave please do so at once.