“An Afternoon on the Verandah”

Thursday 31st March, 5pm – 6pm

Notice to The Champagne Golfers & other interested members.

Come and join us for an hour this Thursday.

Music: by “Kwozzi” – Di & Barney (5 – 5.30pm)

We need to plan and book a weekend timeslot to run our competition through winter.

Drop in and inform us of your availability.

NB. $2 will supply you with our normal food and beverages.

Cheers:  Pam Middlebrook & Kim Oborn

Monday Pennants @ Jamberoo

It is very doubtful if the course will be in a fit enough state to host the Women’s Pennant Matches next Monday. Further info will be posted as it becomes available. Regardless there will be no Vets comp on this day unless further notice is given. If so you will need to rebook.

Women’s Open Day

The ‘Jamberoo Open Day’ which was scheduled to be played on Tuesday 19th April will now be contested on Tuesday 9th August. Hopefully the course will be in good condition and dry by this date.

Further Course Closure

With the current rain and forecast further rainfall, it will not be possible to open the course for play this week. This includes Saturday and Sunday.

Further inspections will be held to determine play for next week.

This of course is very sad news but it must be remembered that this is a historic rain event and the worst recorded in the club’s history. Pray for dryer times.

Flooded again 2.30pm today

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