Sunday Rain cancels Monday Play.

  • Heavy rain over the weekend has caused the course not to be in a suitable condition for play and hence caused the cancellation of the Monday Veterans Competition. The greenstaff are doing the best they can to get the course ready but the continual rain is severely hindering their efforts.
  • The White Horse Cup semi-final was also cancelled at the Links Shell Cove, leaving our division winning team missing the final next weekend. A sad result considering the excellent efforts by the team throughout the season. Very unlucky indeed.
  • The Women’s Charity day on Tuesday has been postponed and a decision will be made on Monday if the course will be open.
  • Also the Golf/Bowls Day set for Sunday 3rd April is cancelled and will be replayed at a later date yet to be determined.

In late news, Head Greenkeeper Nick Goodger, has stated,

“With 75mm of rain over the weekend the course is beyond saturated and no play will be possible until further notice, even the 9 previously playable holes. It will be a day by day situation. I can’t see it open this week at all with more rain predicted, but I will keep you posted.”

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