Jamberoo Golf Club News – 8th October

Gold Medal Playoff Qualifiers.

Each year, in conjunction with the November Monthly Medal round, the Gold Medal playoff is contested for all those who qualified throughout the previous 12 months. This is one of our major events with the winners in each grade achieving Honour Board status.

To qualify, you must be a fully financial member of Jamberoo Golf Club and have won a monthly medal in the previous year.

The full list of qualifiers is shown below. Good luck to all members who have qualified.

For the rest of us the new 2024 Gold Medal season starts with the November Monthly Medal.

November 4 also is the day of the ‘Golden Putter Playoff’ . The 12 previous monthly winners get a chance to win the “golden putter” award and have their name enrolled onto the honour board. The list of entrants is also shown below.

Members Notice Book

For those members who notice some item on the course that may need attention or repair please write it down in the Notice Book located near the bar. All items are looked at regularly and acted upon.

It is better to write it down in the book rather than to scribble a note on a NTP card, which occurred last Saturday. By the way, for our complainant, I was personally happy with the flag position on the 11th. A little draw aimed at the centre of the green lipped out for an ace. Seemed ok flag position to me.

News from Jamberoo GC

Volunteer Working Bee Last Friday

Another terrific turn out for the working bee last week with a start made on repainting the outside of the Starter’s Shed, as well as a commitment to ridding the course of fireweed! Thank you to both painters and gardeners for contributing yet again. It was also a delight to have some of the Club’s youngest members help with the weeding, mulching and cleaning up of the course. It was a lot of fun to see the energy these younger members brought to the day.

Painting will continue for the next few weeks. If any members or visitors have capacity to help, please speak with Pam Middlebrook who is coordinating the painting. There will be two more Volunteer Days before the end of the year: the 27th October and 24th November 2023.

We meet at 8.15am and finish at 12 noon for lunch one day a month. We hope to see you there!



October Golf Programme

Jamberoo Open Ambrose

The 2023 Jamberoo Open Ambrose, sponsored by Oaks Automotive, attracted the largest field of the year. Perfect weather greeted the 136 starters and the scoring was sensational.

The team of Armstrong, Bosanquet, Francis and Adams with a score of 59 looked the goods for most of the day until the red hot team of Brislane, Quinn, Gasheen and Gasheen surpassed them late in the day with a 9 under 58.

And then the Wollongong team of Phillipson, Phillipson, Bond and Kessell, playing in the last group, opening their round on fire, including an eagle on the 5th, were 7 under after 7 holes. They followed this through with another eagle on 12 and finished on 10 under par with 57 to claim the gross trophy and the accolades.

The nett section was equally well contested with the team of Crockford, Crockford, Crockford and Levi shooting a sensational 59 off the stick for a nett score of 47.5. This was good enough to claim the nett prizemoney by a whooping 4.25 shots.

With the introduction of a two division competition this allowed more teams to receive prizes.

Div 1 Nett Winners: P Francis A Bosanquet, E Armstrong & D Adams  51.75   2nd:  J Neilson, I Lewis, R Poidevin & M Emmett  52.375   3rd:   L Hayward, J McIntosh, B Smith & S Rippon  53.5

Div 2 Nett Winners: A Norris, M Rodgers, K Lardner & J Spears  53.125   2nd:   B Reid, M Smee, L Knight & P Wallace   54.5   3rd:  N Smith, C Flanagan, A Seedhouse & W McPhan   54.75

The important individual shot makers were awarded prizes as follows:

Eagles Nest 3rd:   Joe Neilson  88 cm (36 Balls)

NTP 7th:       Colin Van Woerkom  237 cm   9th:   Arthur Bosanquet  126 cm  15th:  Joel McIntosh 190 cm

Supershot 13th:    Ken Bradley  196 cm ($150)

Well played to all competitors and congratulations to our 8 winning teams.

A very big thank you goes to Steve Oppert of Oaks Automotive for his kind sponsorship of the event and the gift of a ball to every player.

News from the Course 27-9-23

Mens Fourball Matchplay Draw

Prize Schedule for Jamberoo Open Ambrose presented by Oaks Automotive.

2023 Open Ambrose Team Prize Allocation

Overall Gross winners    = $560

Overall Nett winners       = $560

Div1 nett winners           = $280

Div 2 nett winners           = $280

Div 1 Nett 2nd                 = $200

Div 2 Nett 2nd                 = $200

Div 1 Nett 3rd                  = $120

Div 2 Nett 3rd                  = $120


Individual Prizes

Supershot 13th – $2 entry fee

Eagles nest 3rd 36 balls – members only

NTP 7th                              = $20

NTP 9th                              = $20

NTP 15th                            = $20

Each Player receives a Golf ball on payment of entry fee.                               


Conditions of Play

Jamberoo Open 4 Person elimination AMBROSE    30-9-2023

Handicap:     1/8 combined handicaps (individual handicaps should be on the card).

Women players will receive 4 additional shots to their handicap in compensation for the lesser par of 67 compared to their usual 71.


  1. All players tee off on all holes.
  2. Select the best ball to play and mark its position. The player whose ball is selected does not play the next shot, nor can they play a practice shot while eliminated.
  3. Decide as you walk to the balls which ball to play so as to keep play flowing. 
  4. The other three players place their ball within 30cm (10cm on Putting Green) of the selected ball (or mark) and play their next shot in turn.
  5. If the position of the selected ball is in the rough, sand bunker or a penalty area then the other players balls must be placed and played from the rough, sand bunker or penalty area. This process continues until the team has reached the green.
  6. On the green. All 4 players have the opportunity of putting. To speed up play players may tap in out of order if a putt is missed.
  7. Three tee shots from each team member must be used and their initials recorded on the scorecard next to the hole where their tee shot is counted.
  8. The scorecard must be signed by the marker and one other team member.

Nearest the pins and Super Shot will be played as usual but there will be no drive and pitch prizes on the day obviously.


Division 1 Team handicap of 10 or less

Division 2 Team handicap of 10.1 or more.

*** please note the match committee has sole control of the competition and its decisions are final. Handicap division cut-off points may alter slightly on the day depending on entries.

News from the Course

Mens Pennant Nominations Now Open.

An invitation is extended for all prospective Mens Pennant players.

In 2024 we are aiming to enter teams in the Mens B, C and White Horse Cup (2) Pennants.

Competitions run on Sunday mornings from early February to finals in late March.

We are interested in any member who wishes to join in the tradition of successful Jamberoo Pennant teams. Many vacancies exist.


B Pennant (GA 5.5 & above)
C Pennant Team (GA 12.5 & above)
2 x White Horse Cup (Up to GA 24.4)

Nominations may be submitted by email to Club Captain Larry Kent on lasahk054@gmail.com or to David Ransom on davidransom@optusnet.com.au or in person by letter to the starters.

Please include the following details in your email/letter;

  • Name
  • GA Handicap
  • Pennant you wish to nominate for
  • Shirt size

Nominations close Friday 20th October.

Mens Foursomes Championships 2023

After two years absence due to CoVid and then flooding the Mens Foursomes Championship returns to the golfing calendar on Saturday October 28 under a new 18 hole format.

Start organising your partner for this 2 person team event.