News from Jamberoo GC

Volunteer Working Bee Last Friday

Another terrific turn out for the working bee last week with a start made on repainting the outside of the Starter’s Shed, as well as a commitment to ridding the course of fireweed! Thank you to both painters and gardeners for contributing yet again. It was also a delight to have some of the Club’s youngest members help with the weeding, mulching and cleaning up of the course. It was a lot of fun to see the energy these younger members brought to the day.

Painting will continue for the next few weeks. If any members or visitors have capacity to help, please speak with Pam Middlebrook who is coordinating the painting. There will be two more Volunteer Days before the end of the year: the 27th October and 24th November 2023.

We meet at 8.15am and finish at 12 noon for lunch one day a month. We hope to see you there!



October Golf Programme

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