Jamberoo Golf Club News – 8th October

Gold Medal Playoff Qualifiers.

Each year, in conjunction with the November Monthly Medal round, the Gold Medal playoff is contested for all those who qualified throughout the previous 12 months. This is one of our major events with the winners in each grade achieving Honour Board status.

To qualify, you must be a fully financial member of Jamberoo Golf Club and have won a monthly medal in the previous year.

The full list of qualifiers is shown below. Good luck to all members who have qualified.

For the rest of us the new 2024 Gold Medal season starts with the November Monthly Medal.

November 4 also is the day of the ‘Golden Putter Playoff’ . The 12 previous monthly winners get a chance to win the “golden putter” award and have their name enrolled onto the honour board. The list of entrants is also shown below.

Members Notice Book

For those members who notice some item on the course that may need attention or repair please write it down in the Notice Book located near the bar. All items are looked at regularly and acted upon.

It is better to write it down in the book rather than to scribble a note on a NTP card, which occurred last Saturday. By the way, for our complainant, I was personally happy with the flag position on the 11th. A little draw aimed at the centre of the green lipped out for an ace. Seemed ok flag position to me.

3 thoughts on “Jamberoo Golf Club News – 8th October

  1. Come on Dave, if you aimed at the centre of the green with a little draw, you would have hit the tree, unless of course you went over that tree. In that case your handicap does not reflect your talent. I think everyone should have the chance to reach the pin without avoiding such obstacles.

  2. We all know that the tree is in the way and I agree completely with you. I admit it was a fluke, maybe a distant memory of what used to be! The ball went around the tree with a draw, landed short and rolled up nicely to the flag. I then missed the putt as usual! However I proved the shot wasn’t impossible even for an old hacker. Only low handicapped players or pros could hit a short iron over that tree!!

    What I didn’t like, and I’m sure you would agree, is somebody venting on a NTP marker. If a member has a complaint about a flag position write it down in the messages book near the bar. This way you will guarantee a proper response instead of antagonising the new captain and his match committee.

    1. Fair call, if the person responsible wants to remain anonymous that is a reflection on them. Let’s hope that the committee can see the frustration that is being created by the trees infringing on the fairways and have them trimmed, keep up the good work
      Regards Bruce.

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