News from the Course

Mens Pennant Nominations Now Open.

An invitation is extended for all prospective Mens Pennant players.

In 2024 we are aiming to enter teams in the Mens B, C and White Horse Cup (2) Pennants.

Competitions run on Sunday mornings from early February to finals in late March.

We are interested in any member who wishes to join in the tradition of successful Jamberoo Pennant teams. Many vacancies exist.


B Pennant (GA 5.5 & above)
C Pennant Team (GA 12.5 & above)
2 x White Horse Cup (Up to GA 24.4)

Nominations may be submitted by email to Club Captain Larry Kent on or to David Ransom on or in person by letter to the starters.

Please include the following details in your email/letter;

  • Name
  • GA Handicap
  • Pennant you wish to nominate for
  • Shirt size

Nominations close Friday 20th October.

Mens Foursomes Championships 2023

After two years absence due to CoVid and then flooding the Mens Foursomes Championship returns to the golfing calendar on Saturday October 28 under a new 18 hole format.

Start organising your partner for this 2 person team event.

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