Latest News from Jamberoo GC

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 29 September 2023.

The end of the month comes around quickly and Friday 29th September is the next Volunteer Working Bee.

Thanks to members and friends who turned out last month to dig, weed, mulch and continue the work on the gardens around the Course. Thanks to Nick who helped out once or twice too!

This month there are plans for a focus on Starters Shed maintenance and painting. There will still be a few smaller gardening tasks for those who like the company of plants!

Please register your participation with the golf shop by Wednesday 27/9/23 so that we can ensure we have enough lunch to go around. Be sure to wear closed in shoes and a hat, and for the gardeners, please bring along your trowels, forks or mattocks.

We meet at 8.15am at the Starters Shed and finish about 12:00 for lunch. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday Bookings.

Members are reminded that the Women’s competition runs from 8 am to 9.30 on Tuesdays and the course is reserved for this purpose during this time.

Member bookings for social play should be made outside of these hours.

Saturday Results.

Today a 4BBB was played at the club with 53 groups competing. A fun, team day hopefully enjoyed by all.

The winners of the day were our vistors, Ray & Sharon French, from Antill Park CGC with 45 points.

2nd place:   Gary Brickell & Greg Quigg  44 pts (c/b)   3rd place:   Rod Poidevin & Ian Lewis  44 pts (c/b)  4th place:   Ray Pearson & Phil Lewis  44 pts (c/b)

Balls to 42 points.

Eagles Nest 3rd:   No Winner

NTP 7th:      Rob McLean  236 cm   9th:    Brad Jenkins  49 cm

D&P 8th:      Brad Rimmer  10 cm

Women’s D&P 11th:    Liz Armstrong  55 cm

Supershot 13th:    Jim Henry  90 cm

Champagne Nine – 123 Countdown

Winners:  P Watson, L Kirwan & J Kirwan  38;   Runners Up:  P Middlebrook, S Karschies & S Paul  37;  

3rd:  M Smee, B Tunbridge & M McNeary  35

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