Strong showing by Jamberoo team at the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield.
by Lance Fredericks.
After two washouts the third attempt at conducting a round of the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield finally succeeded.
At The Links Shell Cove today the Links S C team finished with 217 points (best six scores) followed by Jamberoo with 185 points followed by Kiama, Port Kembla and Wollongong.
Links players took out 1st to 3rd places with Wollongong taking fourth. Links players also won both Nearest the Pins.
The next round is at Kiama on June 17 followed by Jamberoo on July 11.
The Jamberoo team was Col Booth, Ken Holt, Peter Francis, Chris Leckey, Ron Chilby, Mal Hoy, Craig Foster and Phil Gosling.
Volunteer Recognition Day – June 10, 1 pm.
To express our gratitude to all those members who helped out by either volunteering their time at the clean up or by donating to the Flood Relief Fund a Recognition Event will be held on Monday June 10.
This will be a casual get together as volunteers are often reluctant to be rewarded for something they do instinctively. It is understood that not all volunteers will be present on this occasion but the BBQ is the best way to have as many as possible gather around.
Set aside Monday June the 10th as Volunteer Recognition Day with a lunch time BBQ starting at 1pm to express gratitude and acknowledge the Jamberoo Spirit and Pride that members have in their Golf Club.
Any member who has volunteered their time or made a donation to the club are most welcome to attend.
Rod and his coloured balls.
We all know that the Crows have become a little cheeky at present and are stealing balls from the fairways and sometimes off the greens. They seem to be working in teams of 3 or 5 and have a preference for yellow coloured balls!
Rod Hodkinson had his yellow ball stolen on Monday. Replacing it with an orange ball, it too was absconded by the Crows. Trying a blue ball after that it too was nicked by the cheeky crows.
Rod now was only left with white golf balls and managed to keep them for the rest of his round.
Be aware, any colour will attract our cheeky feathered friends.
There is no penalty attached if a Crow steals your ball. Just drop another at the approximate position where the culprit did the dirty on you.
Women Veterans this Thursday.
The Women Vets are playing a Stableford this Thursday with the first tee time at 8am.
Red Shield Appeal Charity Golf Day this Saturday.
Red Shield Appeal 4 person Ambrose – Saturday 8th of June. Entry fee is $25 which includes a $10 donation to the charity. The members of Jamberoo again are set to show their deep community spirit and pride by supporting the Red Shield Ambrose this Saturday.
The event is a four person Ambrose in 2 divisions. Division A is for teams with a total handicap of 80 or less (ie a team handicap of 10 or less). Division B is for teams with total handicaps greater than 80.
Charity Ambrose rules are in place. That means that all 4 can play every shot and 2 tee shots to count per player (with at least one on each nine).
Please use a scorecard to record scores and tee shots and not your phone for this round.
Mark the chosen ball and play the next shots within 30 cm of this position. On the green it is 10cm.
As usual if the chosen ball is in the rough, fairway, penalty area or bunker then all balls must be played from this same area.
The aforementioned crows that are chewing on Rod’s balls are actually Australian Ravens (Corvus coronoides)
and they are still cheeky little blighters.