First National Coast & Country Jamberoo Open Results

With 8 past champions playing and with 9 players on scratch handicaps or better and 27 on 5 or less out of the 111 entrants, certainly it was the strongest field we have had for some time if not ever. In the B division we had 4 past nett winners playing including two time winner Brian O’Hare and Jamberoo President Phil Hahn.

The First National Coast and Country Jamberoo Open winner was Danny Nesbitt with a terrific round of 64 ( 3 under par) reversing last year’s result by beating Colin Mitchell who shot a 65. Nett winner was Jamberoo’s Don Thompson with an excellent 63 nett with Sussex Inlet’s Mitchell Pope claiming second with 64.

2018 Jamberoo Open winner Danny Nesbitt

A division gross was won by Thomas Holz with a 68 beating Mark Johnston on a countback, B division gross was won by Jamberoo’s  Dylan McDonald with an 84 on a countback from Colin Booth. A division Nett was won by Haydn McKay and B division by Jamberoo’s Phil Gosling with a 65. The DSR on the day was 69 ( 3 over the scratch rating).

2018 Jamberoo Open nett winner Don Thompson
Dylan McDonald

The A division long Drive was recorded by Colin Mitchell who hit it a gargantuan 315 metres on the 14th hole. The B division long drive was hit by Jamberoo member Matt Tedeschi and measured 249 metres.

Jamberoo Golf club extends a warm thank you to all participants and very much appreciate the wonderful support of our sponsors First National Coast & Country, Drummond Golf Shellharbour and Just Bathrooms.

Full Results can be viewed by clicking here


4 thoughts on “First National Coast & Country Jamberoo Open Results

  1. Hi Dave, I would just like to congratulate Jamberoo Golf Club on the presentation of the course yesterday. The greens were the best condition in have seen there, they were true and ran at a good pace.

    Well done !!!!

    1. That’s very kind of you Paul. It was good to see some old Jamboreans come and visit the old place! Hope to see you again soon.

  2. Excellent organisation Dave. All those hours paid off with a smooth running event. Congratulations. Great to see so many golfers taking on the challenge of our technical course. Big thanks to the volunteers womaning the BBQ and drinks. Congratulations to the winners.

  3. Well organised…Course playing great and was fantastic day socialising afterwards on the deck, reliving our games with other competitors. Great job Lance, Dave and Stuart on the organisation, bbq and refreshments..Not to forget the volunteer ladies. You all topped off a great day….

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