News from the Course 21 July

The First National Coast and Country Jamberoo Mens’ Open –  Preview

A large and talented field has assembled for tomorrow’s Jamberoo Open. At last count 6 prior champions have returned to play including last year’s champion Colin Mitchell from the Links Shell Cove. With visitors from as far away as Melbourne, Canberra and the north of Sydney as well as from most Golf Illawarra clubs it is sure to be a very exciting day on the course.

I expect the scoring to be low considering the talented golfers playing but with a firm course the players will certainly be challenged. If the westerly wind gets blowing don’t be surprised if a score in the 70’s to be good enough.

There is also a nett prize so golfers of all abilities have the chance to win. Runners up and grade winners for both gross and nett are also up for grabs.

Another interesting event on the day will be to see who can bash it the longest! A long drive on the 14th hole will certainly give you some impressive bragging rights!

click here to see the prize schedule

Jamberoo golf club extends a warm welcome to all visitors and members and wish all good luck and hope that you play to your potential.

Thanks again to our sponsors.

Changes to the Rules of Golf 2019

The 1st of January 2019 sees the modifications to the rules of Golf being introduced.

To assist members become familiar with these changes each week a modified rule will be highlighted.

Today we look at loose impediments in bunkers.

2019 Rule: Under Rules 12.2a and 12.2b, the player will be allowed to touch or move loose impediments in a bunker and will be generally allowed to touch the sand with a hand or club; but a limited prohibition continues so that the player must not:

  • Deliberately touch the sand in a bunker with a hand, club, rake or other object to test the condition of the sand to learn information for the stroke, or
  • Touch the sand in a bunker with a club in making a practice swing, in grounding the club right in front of or behind the ball, or in making the backswing for a stroke.

Reasons for Change:

The challenge of playing from a bunker is the need to play out of the sand, not to play with leaves, stones or other loose impediments left in place in the bunker.

The current approach has created confusion by stating a total prohibition on touching the sand with a hand or club and then recognizing many exceptions.

The revised Rule will simplify this by prohibiting only those acts where there is a purpose for doing so under the Rules:

  • Deliberately testing the condition of the sand with a hand or club will continue to be prohibited because part of the player’s challenge is to assess and predict how the sand may affect the stroke, and also because it will be time consuming and inappropriate for players to dig in the sand with a hand or club for that purpose before every shot.
  • Touching the sand with the club right in front of or behind the ball or in the backswing for the stroke will continue to be prohibited to make sure the player does nothing to reduce the challenge of playing from the sand; these prohibitions are already well known and followed by almost all players.
  • Touching the sand with a club in taking a practice swing will continue to be prohibited both for pace of play and to avoid having large amounts of sand deposited outside bunkers (especially greenside bunkers) as a result of repeated practice swings.

click here to see the video

for a complete viewing of the changes click the following link.

Click here for all new rule changes

Latest Results

The westerly winds have arrived and the damp conditions have gone and with firm greens and fairways running the course is presenting new and different challenges. the local rules about mud-splatterings on the ball and plugged balls have been removed, and as always, play the ball as it lies!

Round of the week was recorded by Brian O’Hare with a nice 80 off the stick on Wednesday for a 62 nett, Paul Tucker returned to form with a good 63 nett as well in this comp. On Tuesday Rose Sheath fired a very good +2 in the Ladies comp and Geoff Reid shot 38 points on Monday to take out the Veteran’s stableford.

This week winners

Saturday 21st July 2018 – Par

A Grade Winner: Tom Zimmerman  -1

B Grade Winner: Phil Hellmund +2 (c/b)     2nd:  Jim Henry +2

C & D Grade Winner:  Warwick Drew +3  (c/b)  2nd:   Phil Hahn +3   3rd:  Chris Goodwin +2

Wednesday 18th July 2018 – Stroke inc Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine – 

A & B Grade Winner:   Brian O’Hare 62 nett   2nd:  George Goor 65 nett (c/b)

C Grade Winner:   Paul Tucker 63 nett   2nd:   Pete Wheatley 64 nett

D Grade Winner: Ian Foy 65 nett

Mystery Nine (1,2,4,5,6,9,11,12,14) Winner:  Ian Foy 29.5 nett

Tuesday 17th July 2018 – Ladies Par 

Div 1 Winner: Robyn Gregson   square   Runner Up: Lorriane Cram   -1 (c/b)

Div 2 Winner: Rose Sheath  +2     Runner Up: Marlene Trethowan  +1

Monday, 16th July 2018 – Veterans – Stableford

Winner Geoff Reid 38 Pts 2nd John Brand 37 Pts 3rd Luke Oborn 34Pts

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