News from the Course 14 July

First National Coast and Country

Jamberoo Men’s Open and Mixed Open

The playing of the Men’s Open is just over a week away on SUNDAY JULY 22 and already the field size is in the sixties. There are still plenty of spaces left in the field so if you are interested in playing in the club’s main event then put your name down on the list in the golf shop. The draw for times will be made early in the week and published in the Daily Cow. Entries can still be made after this publication.

Jamberoo Golf Club wishes to thank our generous sponsors for their support of our Open.

Jamberoo Mixed Open

The Mixed Open is set to be played on Sunday 29th of July. Entries are being taken in the golf shop. A strong field is expected, including last year’s champions Juanita and Andrew Robb from Glenmore Heritage Golf Club. Thanks to First National Coast and Country for also agreeing to sponsor this main mixed event at our club.

jamberoo badge icon

The Club 4 Ball Matchplay Championship has Commenced

The first round is due to be played by the 31st of July and the first match has already been completed. In a great tussle the ‘tradies’, John Anthony and Gary Harvey, came from behind to win the closest of matches against the ‘scholars’, Richard Bremner and Peter Saunders on the 18th green. It took a sliding 2 metre putt to separate two equally matched teams.

The draw can be found by clicking here

Meanwhile the second round of the Individual Matchplay is being played and is also due to finalised by July 31.

Competition Prize Structure

At our club the number of entrants determines the number of prize winners in all competitions.

To be consistent a schedule has been worked out in advance that is applied for each and every competition run by the match committee, ie those played on Saturday and Wednesday. The Veterans and Ladies have there own schedule.

This schedule has recently been adjusted so please be advised of the following.

The number of entrants in a competition must be 70 or more to form grades. If there are less than 70 players then the prize schedule is 1st $35, 2nd $30, 3rd $25, 4th $20 again depending on the actual size of the field (for small fields 3rd or 4th place may not be awarded).

Otherwise all single events are played in 4 grades provided there are at least 8 players in that grade. A Grade: 12 or less; B Grade: 13 to 19; C Grade: 20 to 26; D Grade: 27 or more. Handicap grades are standards referenced, to reach a particular grade your handicap must be at the specified level.

Occasionally a ‘one grade day’ is played where all grades are combined with the best overall scores winning the prizes.

Starters in grade,  1 to 7: 0 prizes – grade collapses, A joins with B and D joins with C as necessary; 8 to 21: 1st prize of $35; 22 to 36: 1st prize $35, 2nd prize $30; 37 to 50: 1st prize $35, 2nd prize $30, 3rd prize $25; 51 to 69: 1st prize $35, 2nd prize $30, 3rd prize, 4th prize $25, 70 plus: 1st prize $35, 2nd prize $30, 3rd prize $25, 4th prize $20, 5th prize $15.

In the event of a tie for a prize the Australian Count-back System is used. This means that the best score on the back nine is used first to determine the winner and if still tied then the best score over the last six holes is used. If still tied then the best score over the last three holes is used and finally if still tied then the best score hole by hole working backwards from the 18th is used until a winner is determined.

The Green Waste Pile has (almost)Gone!

Kiama Council generously helped us out by waiving the tip fees so yesterday, with fine weather at last, the rubbish was almost all removed. The rest will go shortly. This area will be renewed into an extension of the practice facility, perhaps a chipping area?

New Rules Set to Start on JANUARY 1 2019

As you may well be aware the Rules of Golf are changing on the 1st of January 2019 and to help Golf Australia has prepared some videos to help explain the changes. Over the next couple of months I will highlight one such rule change each week. The first change is about play from a bunker:

2019 Rule: The player will have an extra option allowing relief outside the bunker using the back-on-the-line procedure, but for a total of two penalty strokes (Rule 19.3b).

View rules video here

Reasons for Change:

It is not uncommon for a player to need to take unplayable ball relief in a bunker, such as when the ball is very close to the bunker wall or lip.

Playing from a bunker can be very difficult for some players, especially when the bunker has steep walls.

  • This can present particular problems in stroke play because the player must finish the hole and so cannot simply pick up and move to the next hole after multiple tries to play the ball from the bunker.
  • Giving those players an option for taking relief outside the bunker will allow them to keep playing rather than be disqualified.

This extra option will result in a total of two penalty strokes, to make sure that:

  • The penalty is consistent with the significant amount of relief being allowed, and
  • This option does not become commonly used by players who are able to play from a bunker.

Click here for all the new rules

Latest Results

After the strong winds of last Saturday the weather relented a little this week with perfect, cloudless winter days embracing the players.

Best performers of the week were Shirley Dixon in A division of Tuesday’s comp with a solid 37 points, Brian Carr with a great 42 points in D grade on Wednesday, Don Thompson in C grade and Greg Tarrant in B grade both with 39 points. On Saturday Laurie Fogarty shot the day’s best score with 38 points.

Here are the week’s winners

Tuesday 10th July 2018 – Ladies Stableford

Div 1 Winner:   Shirley Dixon 37 pts   Runner Up:   Pam Middlebrook 36 pts (c/b)

Div 2 Winner:   Lorraine Cram 33 pts (c/b)   Runner Up:   Robyn Gregson 33 pts

Div 3 Winner:   Rhonda McKinley 34 pts   Runner Up:   Ruth Killmore 29 pts

Wednesday 11th July 2018 – Men’s Stableford 

A & B Grade Winner:   Greg Tarrant 39 pts (c/b)   2nd:   Bruce Michie (The Links) 39 pts

C Grade Winner:   Don Thompson 39 pts   2nd:   Mal Garratt 38 pts

D Grade Winner:   Brian Carr 42 pts

Saturday 14th July 2018 – Stableford 

A Grade winner Scott Hainsworth 36 pts

B Grade winner David Connon 27 pts cb 2nd place Larry Kent 36 pts

C Grade winner  Laurie Fogarty 38 pts 2nd place Don Thompson 34 pts cb

D Grade winner Robert Weir 28 pts cb

Ladies winner Patricia Orgill 31 pts

2 thoughts on “News from the Course 14 July

  1. So, if the greens can be set up fast and firm for Jamberoo Open why can’t we have them fast all the time ?

    1. Thanks for your continued interest Bruce.
      I would hope that our goal is to have quality greens for the members every day and not just for the Jamberoo Open. Having said this I know that there are seasonal variations that may cause changes to green speed. Let’s hope that the greens can be maintained at their present quality.
      I will inform the GK of your comment at the next Greens meeting on Monday.

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