Jamberoo Golf Club Men’s Eclectic Competition


QUESTION: What is an Eclectic golf competition?

ANSWER: It is a competition conducted over multiple rounds of golf but results in one 18-hole score per player. A player’s Eclectic score is the lowest stroke-play score the player has obtained for each hole over the stipulated time period for the competition. The Eclectic competition is run in conjunction with the Club’s normal events.

This new competition has commenced at Jamberoo Golf Club, and will run over the 40 rounds of Stableford and Stroke competitions held from Wednesday 4 July 2018 until Wednesday 28 November 2018. The 4 rounds of the Club Championship and the Jamberoo Men’s Open (22 July 2018) are also included.

Veterans and Par events are not eligible for eclectic scores.

Every financial male Member of the Club will be automatically entered into the competition; there is no formal entry or entry fee.

Valid score cards (see Rules below) from eligible events will be collected, and the Eclectic scores for each player will be updated in the Eclectic spreadsheet after each event.

RULES for JGC Men’s Eclectic

  1. To be eligible to win the Eclectic Competition, players must:
  2.  be financial Members of Jamberoo Golf Club; and
  3. have played in at least 8 of the 40 eligible rounds.
  4.  A score for any hole will only be recorded in the spreadsheet if a gross score is entered on the player’s score-card. If, for example, a player “picks up” their ball in a Stableford event, and registers a “wipe” for that hole, an Eclectic score will not be recorded for that specific hole.
  5. The scorecard of a player who registers an NCR during the competition period will not be valid for the Eclectic competition.
  6. If, by the end of the Eclectic competition, a player does not have an eclectic score recorded for 1 or more holes, that player’s Eclectic  scorecard will be invalid.
  7. A player may play in as many of the eligible events as they like during the Eclectic competition period, subject to the minimum requirement of 8 eligible rounds.


There will a Gross and Nett winner of the Eclectic Competition.

The Gross winner will be the player with the lowest Eclectic score at the end of the competition.

The Nett winner will be the player with the lowest Eclectic score after their handicap has been deducted from their gross Eclectic score. For the purposes of this competition, and as recommended by Golf Australia, a player’s handicap will be 50% of his Golf Australia (Golflink) handicap (rounded up or down) on the last day of the competition (for example, GA 8.5 becomes 9, and GA 23.3 becomes 23), irrespective of when a player plays his last round that is eligible for the Eclectic Competition.

In the event of tied Eclectic scores in both the Gross and Nett competitions, the winner will be determined on a count-back system:

  1. the player’s total score for the EVEN holes (that is, holes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18); and if the scores are even after the first count- back
  2. the player’s total score for the ODD holes (that is, holes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17)

If the scores are even after the second count-back, the winner will be determined by a COIN TOSS to be held at the Presentation function on 2 December 2018.


Of the 71 eligible players who contested the first round of the Eclectic on Wednesday 4 July 2018, only 2 players had a valid gross score; that is, 69 players had at least one “wipe” during their round.

Congratulations to Greg Seymour who is leading with a gross score of 74, from the other “wipeless” player Jeff Draper with 92. Don’t forget, handicaps will only be deducted after the last round of there competition to determine the Nett winner. The suspense will be amazing!!

While we are at it?

Did you know that there is a weekly nine-hole event at the club? Members are eligible to enter this contest any day of the week and play as many times as they like in the week.

Cost for the Stableford event is just $3 per round and the winners are awarded a prize to their trophy account. What’s more, if you don’t win, you will receive a bonus shot to your handicap every time you play until you do win!

See the starter for details.

2 thoughts on “Jamberoo Golf Club Men’s Eclectic Competition

  1. Great competition….I am sure this will create a huge interest between fellow golfers..It will give all of us an incentive to beat previous personal best scores and I am sure there will be fierce competition in this event …..and also some friendly banter along the way I am sure….I am keen….

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