News From the Course 7th July

First National Coast & Country Jamberoo Men’s Open

The First National Coast & Country Jamberoo Open is fast approaching and is set to be played on July 22. Already over 50 players have entered including many of the Illawarra’s best golfers. There are still many places available so feel free to put your name down on the list in the golf shop or simply phone or email the club. All handicaps are catered for with major prizes for overall gross winner and nett winner as well as runners up. Minor prizes for gross and nett in each grade are also available as well as long drive and nearest the pin contests. Please click the link below to view the prize structure.

Jamberoo Open 2018 prize structure & rules

Jamberoo Golf Club thanks our Major Sponsor First National Coast and Country Real Estate at Kiama as well as our other important sponsors Drummond Golf (Shellharbour) and Just Bathrooms for their generous support.

While we are talking about the Mens’ Open the Mixed Open is also due to be played on July 29. The format is Canadian Foursomes. I have heard that several of our female members are available to play and only need a partner. If you are interested then approach Ladies Captain Margaret Cook or Club Captain Dave Ransom who will only be too pleased to arrange a team for you.

Ladies Pennants

Margaret Cook reports about the heart breaking final in the Silver Pennants last Monday,

“Well we had a great tussle with Russell Vale today, we ended up square after regulation play so this meant that Pam Middlebrook had to go out to contest the playoff for the Pennant. The Russell Vale player managed to sink a long putt in the playoff and so they became the Pennant winners. It was very exciting at the end. We had to give them heaps of shots so it was hard, but we all did our best. All we can do now is to try again next year”.

The Gold Pennant team also suffered a loss so they must win their last 2 games and hope for other results to go our way.

Although the Silver Roos were naturally disappointed at the outcome of the final they should be proud of their fine performance throughout the season where they have represented the club with pride. Next year will be our turn I’m sure.

Pace of Play

Those involved in the game of golf may have differing views on what constitutes an acceptable pace of play, but there is no doubt that slow play can detract from the enjoyment of the game for many golfers. At Jamberoo we would encourage our members to take aboard the ‘Ready Golf’ suggestions and work proactively to improve their pace of play.

  • Be ready when it is your turn to play
  • Hit a provisional ball to keep up the pace if you are doubtful of the location of your ball
  • In a competition don’t waste time at each hazard looking for lost balls
  • Line up your putts while the others in your group are putting
  • leave your bag at the exit of the green nearest to the next tee.
  • mark your card on the next hole, either at the tee while you await your turn or even as you walk down the fairway

click here for interesting videos concerning pace of play, especially the one with the following picture.

Video thumbnail for Pace of Play Player Behaviour

© video and photo courtesy of the R & A

Xmas in July

Xmas in July has been unfortunately cancelled as not enough members had put their name down to guarantee the cost of the meals. The rumours that Stuart and myself had eaten all the puddings is not true!

Vets Qualifying Round for the Illawarra Medal

It was a great day for golf on Monday, great weather, a great course and great company. Amongst all this greatness, John Pringle emerged victorious in Division 1 with 39 points, followed by Peter Waterman (RV) 37 points and George Wells 34 points. In Division 2 Mick Bartlett continued his recent good form to win with a solid 36 points. Dave Newton was 2nd with 34 points and Brian Carr was 3rd with 33 points on a countback.

Monday was also the qualifying round to enter the playoff for the Illawarra Medal. We are entitled to enter our best three players on the day and these were:

John Pringle
Mick Bartlett
Dave Newton (C/B)

Reserve Players are:

George Wells
Greg Seymour
John Brand
Jeff Draper
Brian Carr
Mal Garrett
Geoff Reid

The playoff is scheduled to be held at Jamberoo on Monday 13th August and green fees will be covered by Jamberoo Vets and the Illawarra Vets will hold a free sausage sizzle at the completion prior to the presentation of the Men and Ladies medals.

Latest Results

The news is out. The bad weather has broken and the course is in great shape under blue, clear skies. Get out there and have a game!

Congratulations go to Marie Farrant on her win in the Lady Veteran Golfers Championship contested this week. Marie held off the challenges of Jenelle Anderson and Shirley Dixon to claim the title with a score of 199 four shots clear of Jenelle and five from Shirley. Shirley was the nett winner with a score of 160, three better than Marie Rodgers. On Wednesday the Drummond Golf Stableford was contested and the course played as hard as it can get without any wind. The Drummond Golf voucher winner was Greg Seymour with 39 points, two clear of Geoff Reynolds.

Tuesday saw the first round of the Lady Veterans played in conjunction with the ladies monthly medal. Medalists were Judi O’Brien in Division 1, Shirley Walsh on a countback in division 2 and Kay Ison in Division 3.

The Men’s monthly medals were played today in very windy conditions and the winners were A Grade Matt Tedeschi, B Grade Tim Young, C Grade Lew Dare, D Grade John Turner. Ladies winner was Jennelle Anderson.

2 thoughts on “News From the Course 7th July

  1. hi Dave – I had to record an NCR in the competition today as I strained my back hitting my tee shot on the first tee and it became gradually more and more painful so I picked up after the fifth and came home after the ninth. Very disappointing, particularly as I am due to play in the doubles matchplay this Friday! Hopefully it might be better by then. However, I see from Rule 5 of the new Eclectic Golf competition (great idea, by the way) that any player who records an NCR during the relevant period is not eligible to be entered. This seems very unfair on someone in my circumstances (i.e. who was injured whilst playing a round and was forced to withdraw) and I am wondering if I can remain eligible despite the NCR on today’s card – Peter

    Peter Saunders Research Professor in Social Policy Social Policy Research Centre Tel: 02 9385 7806


    1. Peter, I hope your back will recover quickly, and good luck on Friday! I just reread the rule and it certainly seems that you are right. However I think the rules are meant to say that the round you played in that recorded the NCR will not be counted but other rounds you play will count. You are still eligible for the competition with other rounds that you play provided you meet the minimum number of rounds (which you will). I will communicate your comment to the organiser.
      By the way, if you injure yourself while playing, make a note on the card and this round won’t count in your record.

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