News From the Course – 30 June

Membership Payments

Your club membership fees became due on Thursday 31st May and the 1 month period of grace you have been given has now expired. If you failed to pay then you are technically unfinancial.

DON’T PANIC, if you forgot to pay your membership dues it is not too late. Please pay at the office, the golf shop or just phone 4236 0404 or 4236 0291 with your payment details at your earliest convenience and you will be welcomed back into the membership fold with all of your privileges restored.

$540 still represents the best valued membership on the coast. Why not use your trophy account balance to reduce the amount you need to pay?

Ladies Pennants

The excellent news is that the Silver Pennant team have won their division and have reached the final and will play off for the pennant next Monday against Russell Vale @ Port Kembla.

The Gold Pennant have 3 more rounds to play and are well placed to take the Pennant if the leading team slip up at all.

Margaret Cook, Ladies Captain, reports:

“The results for the ladies pennants for Monday the 25th. The Silver team won the A group, so they play  Russell Vale who won the B group next Monday for the play off.

The Gold team won there game 4-1, they are only one game down and with 3 more games to play  they can still get up there. I wish both teams good luck for next week”.

Rules Quiz

Mick hits his tee shot on the 3rd hole just off the putting surface between the bunker and the green. Just in front of his ball there is some sand from the bunker, some on the fairway grass where his ball lies and some on the green on his line to the hole. Mick brushes away both lots of sand with his glove. Has Mick complied with the rules? The answer can be found in the ‘latest results’ section.

Here is an explanation of another query I had this week, concerning cleaning the mud from your ball on the green.

Fourball Matchplay Set to Commence

The closing day for entry into the 2018 Fourball Matchplay Championship ended today and the draw will be constructed and published tonight below.

Round 1 is due to be played in July and a few teams will get the lucky first round bye. The overall winning team shall receive $70 each with the runners up getting $35 each.

Entry is $10 per player payable at the commencement of your first match.

Fourball Matchplay Draw click here

The second round of the Single Matchplay has commenced and is due to be played in July.

Latest Results

Very cold and frosty mornings, then drizzling rain saw tough conditions this week on the course. This did not stop the true believers getting out there and enjoying the game they love!

Congratulations go to Scott and Tony for their win in the Men’s Foursomes Championships defending their title from last year. Arthur and Wayne were our nett winners. Tuesday Ladies Day was played in cool conditions and Judi O’Brien took out Division 1 with 29 points on a countback from Lieve Stassen while Marie Rodgers was the division 2 winner with 33 points just beating Marlene Trethowan on a countback. The rain was back on Wednesday but despite the tough conditions Bob McDonald was the winner with 38 points on a countback from Dennis Thomas with Peter Francis, Tony Rodriguez and Larry Osterhaus all finishing on 36 points. Larry was the unlucky one losing the countback. Today a 2 Ball Aggregate was played in conjunction to the individual stableford, the winning team being Scott Hainsworth and Jarrod Gehrmann with a great team score of 80.

Here are last week’s full results:

Saturday 30th June 2018 – 2B Aggregate Stableford + Individual

Team winners : Scott Hainsworth & J Gehrmann 80

Individual winner J Gehrmann 40 c/b 2nd S Hainsworth 40 3rd Tom Zimmermann 37 c/b 4th  Luke Crockford 37  5th  Matt Tedeschi 36 c/b  Ladies Marie Tarrant 31

Wednesday 27 June 2018 – Men’s Stableford

Winner:   Bob McDonald 38 pts (c/b)   2nd:   Dennis Thomas 38 pts   3rd:   Peter Francis 36 pts (c/b)   4th:   Tony Rodriguez 36 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 26th June 2018 – Ladies Stableford

Div 1 Winner: Judi O’Brien 29 pts (c/b) Runner up: Lieve Stassen 29 pts

Div 2 Winner: Marie Rodgers 33 pts (c/b) Runner up: Marlene Trethowan 33 pts

Rules Quiz explained

Mick has incurred a penalty when he brushed away the sand that was not on the green. Sand is only a loose impediment (something natural that can easily be moved) when it is on the surface of the green.

Here are some excerpts from the rules of golf:

Loose Impediments

You may move a loose impediment (i.e. natural loose objects such as stones, detached leaves and twigs, dead animals, banana skins etc, worm casts, insects) unless the loose impediment and your ball are in the same hazard (i.e. bunker or water hazard). If you remove a loose impediment and this causes your ball to move, the ball must be replaced and (unless your ball was on the putting green) you incur a one-stroke penalty. However, under the rules sand and loose soil are loose impediments on the putting green, but not elsewhere. Snow and natural ice, are either casual water or loose impediments at the option of the player. Dew and frost are not loose impediments.

All rules sketches© R&A Championships Limited, Company No. SC247047, R&A Rules Limited, Company No. SC247046




4 thoughts on “News From the Course – 30 June

  1. Excellent rule this week.

    The low marker in each group should know this rule and enforce it as a lot of players from past experience are not aware of this.


    1. Captain Dave. I enjoy reading your rules quiz. Could you help me out with this one. Playing the 17th today my playing partners ball was sitting on a yellow hazard marker. I told him to play it as it lies or take a penalty drop as the marker was a part of the hazard. Another player in the group thought he should get a free drop. Could you clear this up please.

      1. You are correct Tony, the marker is part of the hazard ( which starts at the outside edge of the marker or post)

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