Men’s Foursomes Championships

Seventeen teams competed this year for the Men’s Foursomes crown and the winners are the defending champions Scott Hainsworth and Tony Panecasio with a good scratch total of 116 over the 27 holes. This was 3 less than the team of Wayne Arnott and Arthur Bosanquet and 4 better than George Vlatko and Steve Rippon. Scott and Tony  noticed before hit-off that the engraver last year mistakenly had written their names on the trophy twice. Surely an omen. At least now we only have to erase the 7 and replace it with an 8! For those of us who read the Pennant reports the Champions are ‘TP’ and the ‘golden cowpat’, showing that having a nick-name doesn’t affect your golf. Well played to the winners.

First prize this year was $75 each for the champions and also for the nett winners and $25 each for the runners up both gross and nett. As Wayne and Arthur had the lowest nett total of 104 they were awarded that prize leaving Steve and George with the gross runners up prize. Lance Fredericks and Don Thompson were the next best nett winners with a score of 106, 1/2 shot less than Dylan McDonald and Daniel Adams and 3/4 of a shot lower than Terry Murphy and John Anthony.

Most nett scores were less than 115 so it was a very close contest especially as the course was playing very long and hard.

All players seemed to enjoy the experience and most are still on talking terms with their playing partners. I believe Peter Young however is looking for a better partner next year!

Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the others. A great club day was had by all.

Arthur and Wayne – nett winners, along with the ‘golden cowpat’ and ‘TP’ – champions.

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