Vets Christmas Hams Day and Inaugural Barry Walker Shield Presentation

Lyn Walker presented the Barry Walker Shield and trophy to inaugural winner Peter Oldfield. The shield, honouring the former vets president, will be awarded annually to the vet with the best aggregate score across 14 games throughout the year.

By Chris Goodwin

Monday saw Jamberoo Veterans annual Christmas Hams Day. The weather was good with plenty of early cloud cover but as the morning progressed, it began to warm up and by lunch it was pretty hot and sticky. We had a good field in excess of sixty players and with an 8.00 shotgun start, everyone was into the game soon after the whistle blew.

There were plenty of good scores but Don Thompson showed everyone a clean pair of heels in A Grade with 40 points, closely followed by Phil Hahn on 39 points. The placegetters were also close behind with prizes awarded down to sixth place.

B Grade saw John Sutherland from Russell Vale emerge successful with 42 points from an emerging talent in the name of Athol Casey who scored 40 points. Athol has been toiling away for the past few months and it is great to see him getting back in the winner’s circle. Prizes also went down to sixth place and as a reward to all players, everyone who was unsuccessful in winning the above prizes has been awarded a golf ball onto their account.

After the game everyone enjoyed the free BBQ and free drink ably managed by our Vets President Lance Fredericks. I would like to thank Lance for his efforts today which started at about 6.30 this morning helping Rod in the Shop, then off to Kiama to purchase sausages, rolls and beer then back to the course to commenced the BBQ and have it ready by 12.00. He also organised for Lyn Walker to attend to present the Barry Walker Shield to Peter Oldfield and after everyone left, he stayed around to help clean up. A great Club Man.


Dell Brand  a big win at 2017 National Veterans Championship

Dell Brand at the 2017 AVGU National Championship Presentation Dinner at the RACV Royal Pines

Jamberoo member Dell Brand had a big win at the recent Australian Veteran Golfers Union (AVGU) National Championships on the Gold Coast, which attracted a field of some 500 golfers from around the country

Battling a week that saw lots of rain, wind and sloppy conditions on some of the Gold Coast’s top courses, Dell won the overall A Grade Nett title and also won the Friday stableford.

Dell has had considerable success in recent years at the AVGU National Championships, an annual event for men and women vets that rotates around the states and territories.

At the 2015 edition in Darwin, Dell was second overall and in the Adelaide Hills in 2016 was third overall.

No doubt she will again be featuring strongly when the championship is played in 2018 at Port Stephens on the NSW north coast from November 12 to 16.

The championship  is a week long celebration of  competition golf and socialising conducted in handicapped grades and next year is expected to again attract 500 plus golfers.

Members interested in taking part in the event – and maybe helping Jamberoo have enough representatives to compete for the top individual club trophy – can get further information here

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