Vets Christmas Hams Day and Inaugural Barry Walker Shield Presentation

Lyn Walker presented the Barry Walker Shield and trophy to inaugural winner Peter Oldfield. The shield, honouring the former vets president, will be awarded annually to the vet with the best aggregate score across 14 games throughout the year.

By Chris Goodwin

Monday saw Jamberoo Veterans annual Christmas Hams Day. The weather was good with plenty of early cloud cover but as the morning progressed, it began to warm up and by lunch it was pretty hot and sticky. We had a good field in excess of sixty players and with an 8.00 shotgun start, everyone was into the game soon after the whistle blew.

There were plenty of good scores but Don Thompson showed everyone a clean pair of heels in A Grade with 40 points, closely followed by Phil Hahn on 39 points. The placegetters were also close behind with prizes awarded down to sixth place.

B Grade saw John Sutherland from Russell Vale emerge successful with 42 points from an emerging talent in the name of Athol Casey who scored 40 points. Athol has been toiling away for the past few months and it is great to see him getting back in the winner’s circle. Prizes also went down to sixth place and as a reward to all players, everyone who was unsuccessful in winning the above prizes has been awarded a golf ball onto their account.

After the game everyone enjoyed the free BBQ and free drink ably managed by our Vets President Lance Fredericks. I would like to thank Lance for his efforts today which started at about 6.30 this morning helping Rod in the Shop, then off to Kiama to purchase sausages, rolls and beer then back to the course to commenced the BBQ and have it ready by 12.00. He also organised for Lyn Walker to attend to present the Barry Walker Shield to Peter Oldfield and after everyone left, he stayed around to help clean up. A great Club Man.


Dell Brand  a big win at 2017 National Veterans Championship

Dell Brand at the 2017 AVGU National Championship Presentation Dinner at the RACV Royal Pines

Jamberoo member Dell Brand had a big win at the recent Australian Veteran Golfers Union (AVGU) National Championships on the Gold Coast, which attracted a field of some 500 golfers from around the country

Battling a week that saw lots of rain, wind and sloppy conditions on some of the Gold Coast’s top courses, Dell won the overall A Grade Nett title and also won the Friday stableford.

Dell has had considerable success in recent years at the AVGU National Championships, an annual event for men and women vets that rotates around the states and territories.

At the 2015 edition in Darwin, Dell was second overall and in the Adelaide Hills in 2016 was third overall.

No doubt she will again be featuring strongly when the championship is played in 2018 at Port Stephens on the NSW north coast from November 12 to 16.

The championship  is a week long celebration of  competition golf and socialising conducted in handicapped grades and next year is expected to again attract 500 plus golfers.

Members interested in taking part in the event – and maybe helping Jamberoo have enough representatives to compete for the top individual club trophy – can get further information here

August 2015 Vets Newsletter

3rd August 2015 Competition

I wasn’t able to play today so I didn’t arrive until about 11.30 and noticed some of the early starters congregating in the player’s lounge. Being a bit of a sticky beak and because I was headed that way anyway, thought I would investigate to see what was happening. Was the computer down? Was Stuart putting on a floor show? No, it was Rose Sheath who had organised some of the other ladies to provide us with some gourmet rolls for lunch.

Rose grabbed me on the way in (figuratively speaking) and offered me the best offer I’d received all day…a gourmet roll with home cooked corned beef or meat loaf. I opted for the corned beef because it just looked so juicy on the platter and I got my choice of salad extras and relish or mayonnaise. All for $5.00 which included free coffee or tea AND free cakes such as chocolate and vanilla as well as some beautiful home made slices. Well! There goes the diet! But I must say the roll was absolutely delicious and the cakes were outstanding.

I will talk with Rose to see if we can do this again. Not only was this great for the members to be able to sit around and have a chat after the game and have a freshly prepared lunch made for them but additionally it also raised over $300 for the club because much of the food was supplied free of charge. I would like to thank Rose for her organisation on the day, also Kay Ison and Sandra Gentle who were in charge of constructing those delicious rolls and also to Lyn Tomlins who made sure everyone got either tea or coffee and at least one piece of cake each. It was a great day, thanks ladies. The raffle was won by Lyn Tomlins.

Oh, and there was some golf played as well. The full list of winners are:
Division 1        1st    Graham Kuskey 36 Points
2nd Glyn Godfrey 33 Points
3rd  Arthur Holmes 32 Points (c/b)
Division 2      1st   John McKenna (Links) 36 Points
2nd  Ian Foy 35 Points
3rd   Barry Stephens (Kiama) 33 Points
NTP 3rd  Paul Rodgers 420 cms
NTP 9th  N Murray (Grange) 98 cms
NTP 11th
M Smith (RV) 190 cms
D&P 8th  
Al Thomas 494 cms
Supershot 7th
Zel Diamant (RV) 329 cms
Balls to 32 Points

As you all know, your veterans membership is due for renewal on 1st October 2015 and it is proposed to attach a note to your September scorecard as a reminder. This year, for reasons associated with simplicity and governance it is proposed to collect your membership fee when you pay your competition fees for the game on Monday 5th October. This will ensure you are financial should you be lucky enough to win on the day. As a result the cost for October will be $17.00 and this will include your 2015/16 membership payment.

17th August 2015 Competition

For our second competition of the month the numbers were a little down on previous months and I wasn’t sure whether the cause was the chilly weather or Jason Day’s efforts at the PGA. The winners for today’s comp were:
1st Geoff Chard 39 points
2nd Phil Hahn 38 points

NTP 3rd  Ewald Klein 1080 cms
NTP 9th  
Geoff Chard 900 cms
NTP 11th Theo Schmeider 235 cms
D&P 8th  
George Wells 900 cms
Supershot 7th
Arthur Holmes 1715 cms

Balls to 32 Pts

Trevor Bell Shield

Following a couple of late withdrawals, we struggled to field a full team this week even though we were playing at home, but both Pat Paris and Ray Orr came to our rescue to allow us to field a full complement of 8 players. Conditions were very difficult today for all players due to the wind and cold but we still held strong expectations due to our home course advantage.

There were no outstanding scores today (top score of 36 points) but consistency was what we were after and that’s what we got with four Jamberoo players finishing in the top 10 on the day. Our best were Ian Unsworth and Geoff Reynolds who both had 33 points and overall they finished 3rd and 4th respectively. Ray Orr finished close behind on 31 points followed by Chris Goodwin on 30, Pat Paris on 29 and Karl Edlinger on 25 points. Jamberoo were the big movers on the day, up from 4th position to 2nd and are now only 22 points behind the early leaders Kiama. There is a real log jam at the top of the leader board and with 3 rounds to play the progressive scores are:

Kiama                    757
Jamberoo            735
Port Kembla       733
The Grange         730
Wollongong        709
Links                      705
Russell Vale        635
I would like to thank both Lance and Robyn for looking after the BBQ and the drinks for all of the players. All visiting players were impressed with our new decking and entertainment area, and with the BBQ.

Our next game is scheduled for Thursday 10th September at Port Kembla and with Port only two points behind us, we will need to put in a good showing. The nomination form for the game is now on the board and we are still short two players, so if you are available can you please put your name down on the list or give me a call on 0418 612 881.

Chris Goodwin
Sec./Treas. Jamberoo Vets

June 2015 Veterans Newsletter

1st June 2015 Competition
Today was our Vets Championship which was transferred from May due to the wet weather. It was also the first day of winter and Mother Nature did not disappoint. Some members even resorted to a bit of alliteration to describe how “freezing” it was. There were 56 starters today and everyone found the going a bit tough with no one able to break 70. However the competition was still close in Division 1 with Ray Orr emerging victorious with a Nett 71 on a countback from Lance Fredericks. Division 2 was also hotly contested with Peter Young winning, also with a Nett 71 by a stroke from Mal Garrett. The Gross event was not as close and congratulations goes to Steve Rippon who won the Championship for the second year running with an excellent round of 74.
The full list of winners are:
Division 1 1st Ray Orr 71 Nett (c/b)
2nd Lance Fredericks 71 Nett
3rd Geoff Reynolds 72 Nett (c/b)
Division 2 1st Peter Young 71 Nett
2nd Mal Garrett 72 Nett
3rd Reg Curnow 73 Nett
NTP 9th Lance Fredericks 358 cms
NTP 11th M Siasat (Links) 280 cms
D&P 8th Arthur Bosanquet 148 cms
Supershot 7th Zel Diamant (RV) 325 cms
Balls to 75
Championship Winners Steve Rippon 74 Gross
Ray Orr 71 Nett (c/b)

15th June 2015 Competition
Today was our second competition of the month and it coincided with us hosting Kiama. There were 35 starters today and the winners were:
1st Jeff Draper 40 points
2nd J Keiley (K) 36 points (c/b)
3rd Bob Wright 36 points
NTP 3rd George Wells 162 cms
NTP 9th J Keiley (K) 269 cms
D&P 8th J Keiley (K) 298 cms
Supershot 7th A Groves (K) 376 cms
Balls to 32 Pts
The day was won by Jamberoo.

Trevor Bell Shield
As I predicted in last month’s newsletter, our fightback would start at the Links. True to form we had a much stronger showing and on the day we finished equal second with Port Kembla on 201 points, only a single point behind the winners Links Shell Cove on 202 points. Congratulations to Brian O’Hare, Pat Paris and Geoff Reynolds who all scored 35 points and to Arthur Bosanquet, Ray Orr and Peter Young who all scored 32 points. A special thank you to Ray Orr who filled in at late notice. Ray had a scheduled work day on that day but managed to swap with a colleague to enable himself to play for the team.

At the start of play Kiama held a 35 point lead over us but we managed to cut that lead by 20 points to be only trailing them by 15 points after two rounds. There is a log jam at the top of the leader board and the progressive scores are:

Kiama              385
Port Kembla   375
Wollongong   373
Jamberoo       370
The Grange    370
Links               353
Russell Vale   325

Our next game is scheduled for next Monday 6th July at The Grange. The nomination form is on the board, but at the moment there are only three names on the list. So if you are available next Monday, can you please put your name down by this Wednesday or give me a call on 0418 612 881. Your help would be greatly appreciated and you might just end up being a part of a premiership winning team.

Chris Goodwin
Sec./Treas. Jamberoo Vets

May 2015 Vets Newsletter

4th May 2015 Competition
This was scheduled to be the day of our Vets Championship however due to the very wet weather immediately prior to the day, the course was extremely heavy and the course superintendent recommended that no carts be used on the day. Many players had withdrawn prior to Monday and we considered that if the weather was better, they would have competed in the Championship. For this reason it was decided to defer the event to next month when the weather will hopefully be more amenable to the members in general.

Even though conditions were very ordinary we still had 44 starters and the early indications were that the scores were likely to be ordinary as well. There were reports of drives right down the centre of the fairway just disappearing as a result of the wet conditions, so when Tony Rodriguez came in with 36 points we all thought that was going to be the winning score. But as Tony remarked “Rip is still out there”. As it turned out Tony’s fears were realised when Steve eventually finished.

Rip had “ripped” up the course with an amazing 42 points playing off his +2 handicap. On checking Steve’s scorecard he carded 10 birdies and one bogey with a total of 20 putts (including a three putt on the 3rd) during the round for a scratch score of 58 (Note for myself – “give Steve the benefit of my own putting prowess about how to nail those troublesome 10 footers on the 3rd!”). An absolutely amazing round! The rest of the winners were:

1st S Rippon 42 Pts
2nd Tony Rodriguez 36 Pts
3rd Peter Waterman 34 Pts (RV)
4th Mal Garratt 33 Pts (c/b)

NTP 3rd Tony Rodriguez 750 cms
NTP 9th Not won
NTP 11th Al Thomas 1120 cms
D&P 8th Pat Paris 74 cms
Supershot 7th John Pringle 170 cms
Balls to 31 Pts

21st April 2015 Competition
The course was starting to dry out and the scores reflected the better course conditions. The day was won by the ever consistent Tony Rodriguez on a countback from his partner on the day Mick Farmilo. We had 29 starters today which was a little down on numbers due to a clash with the Trevor Bell Shield and the Week of Golf event at Port Kembla. The winners on the day were:

1st Tony Rodriguez 38 Pts (c/b)
2nd Tony Farmilo 38 Pts (c/b)
3rd R Garner 38 Pts (RV)

NTP 3rd Ken Bradley 291 cms
NTP 9th John Ellsmore 210 cms
NTP 11th Tony Rodriguez 26 cms
D&P 8th M Smith 400 cms (RV)
Supershot 7th Stuart Irvine 34 cms
Balls to 36 Pts

The NSWVGA has agreed to provide a Medal for both Men & Women to the Illawarra VGA Group 3 and for this year only, 2 X $50 vouchers will be supplied by the NSWVGA. Two Runner-up prizes of $25.00 will also be provided by the IVGA.

The qualifying round will be played at Jamberoo on Monday 5th October 2015, our regular Vets day. Only Jamberoo members are entitled to participate in this event and it will be run in conjunction with an individual Stableford. The event is open to both men and women and the top three placegetters for both men and women on the day will be eligible to play off for the Medal. Other placegetters names will be recorded in case the qualifiers are unavailable for the playoff. To be eligible, both Men & Women MUST BE FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF THE NSWVGA.

The playoff will be held at Shoalhaven Heads on Monday 9th November 2015, tee off between 8.00 to 8.45am, green fees $16.00, carts $30.00 ($15.00 shared).

Trevor Bell Shield
The first round of our title defence was held at Kiama on Monday 18th May in good conditions and it was the Kiama boys who took the day at their home course with 204 points followed by The Grange with 192 and Wollongong with 184 points. Jamberoo are sitting in 5th position on 169 points. Our best scores on the day was from our captain Ray Orr with 31 points and Geoff Reynolds with 30 points.

Obviously not the best start to the competition but if memory serves me correctly, we had a similar start at Kiama last year but we kept chipping away (sorry about that) at the lead and in the end we ran out comfortable winners by about 25 points. So the fightback starts at the Links on Monday 22nd June.

At a recent meeting of the IVGA it was decided to play the game that was rained out from The Grange in April in the vacant month of July and the rescheduled date at The Grange is Monday 6th July. The nomination form for The Links should be on the notice board by this Saturday.

Chris Goodwin
Sec./Treas. Jamberoo Vets