2016 Club Matchplay Championships

Both the Individual and team Matchplay Championships have reached critical stages in this year’s events.

Many close and interesting matches have been played with opportunities gained by competitors to play against other members that they may not have met.

The Fourball team Championship has progressed to the semi-final stage and the cream has certainly come to the top.

Round 1 action saw Arthur Bosanquet and Wayne Arnott defeat John and Alan Paul 2 up; Matt Tedeschi and Con Kiayias defeat Chris Leckey and Anthony Smith 2 up; Paul Rodgers and Ron Hewson defeat Peter Young and Tony Dawson 1 up; and Tony McRae and Peter Francis defeat Scott Hainsworth and Tony Panecasio 4/3.

Round 2 saw Matt and Con defeat Arthur and Wayne on the 19th hole; Paul and Ron defeat defending champions Pat Paris and Chris Goodwin 5/4; Tony and Peter defeat Ray Orr and Pete Munro on the 18th.

Tim Young and Shane Townsend have managed to progress being the lucky beneficiaries of injuries and withdrawals by their opponents. Clearly they have a reputation that creates fear in their opponents.

The first semi sees the team of Matt Tedeschi and Con Kiayias set to play  against Paul Rodgers and Ron Hewson. Will the team of A graders be too consistent for the experienced Rodgers/Hewson combination?

The other semi sees Tony McRae and Peter Francis up against Tim Young and Shane Townsend in a match so close that a large gallery should be in attendance to witness what promises to be the match of the year between two evenly matched combinations.  Which team will find that little extra?

The Individual Championship has progressed to the final and like the fourball many close matches have been played in the preceding rounds.

Round 1 saw Shane Townsend defeat Leon Polestcico on the 19th; Tom Zimmermann defeat Pete Saunders 1up; Chris Goodwin defeat Brian O’Hare 3/2; Mark Cassel, using his White Horse Cup experience, defeated B pennant tyro Anthony Smith 2/1; and Ron Hewson defeat Vince Brynes 4/3.

Round 2 saw White Horse Cup captain Col Booth progress against Matt Tedeschi who had to withdraw with an injury; Tim Young defeated his  C Pennant captain Chris Leckey 3/2; Tom Zimmermann defeated Shane Townsend 4/2 in an impressive performance; Tony Panecasio defeated Larry Kent who had to withdraw due to work and refereeing commitments; Paul Rodgers just defeated Chris Goodwin on the 18th; Johnny Bermudez impressively defeated Ray Orr 4/2; Ron Hewson benefited by the withdrawal of last year’s champion Boyd Sylvester; and John Paul played very well to defeat Mark Cassel 4/3 in the battle of the big-hitters.

Quarter final action saw Tim Young defeat Col Booth 3/2; Tony Panecasio defeat Tom Zimmermann 1 up; Johnny Bermudez defeat Paul Rodgers 2/1; and John Paul defeat Ron Hewson 2/1.

In the semi-finals Tony Panecasio accounted for the consistent Tim Young on the 18th in a very tense match. A very close encounter worthy of a semi-final.

In the other semi-final Johnny Bermudez again played very solidly against John Paul and won his match easily in the end 5/3. Having to cede 9 shots as well as contend with Johnny’s very good play was too much for John P to overcome.

This leaves our two finalists as Tony Panecasio and Johnny Bermudez. Will the solid ball striking of Tony be enough to overcome the consistent Johnny?  Johnny will receive several shots from his A grade opponent and has already accounted for a bevy of our club’s A graders in his previous matches.

It will be a very interesting contest.

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