The 6th getting a new look

Geoff Stephens (Left) and Darryl Campbell give the new 6th garden a finishing touch

OVER the past four years volunteers have done a wonderful job maintaining the gardens at the club under the “Adopt a Garden” Scheme.

There are 26 volunteers who regularly attend to their designated gardens with much enthusiasm and enjoyment.

Most recently, the 6th garden was deemed to have passed its use by date and volunteers got together to dig out the old plants and renew it.

Darryl Campbell constructed a brilliantly conceived steel framed pergola (some erroneously thought it was going to be some kind of public flogging complex for golfers who don’t fill their divots) that will be the centrepiece of the new display.

Over the course of several weeks the garden has taken on a new look and as it continues to grow and develop golfers can continue to appreciate the progress as they pass by.

The Public Flogging Complex idea is now under consideration.

(Thanks to Margaret Stephens for the original info and photograph)

One thought on “The 6th getting a new look

  1. The best place for a Public Flogging area for people who don’t fill in their divots would be the spot between the 10th tee and 17th green.
    That way people on the 10th and 18th tees and the 17th green could all watch. It’s also handy to the new course toilet.

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