9 & Dine – Xmas in July … a raging success!


By Daily Cow Senior Correspondent [Probationary] Arthur Bosanquet

IN 1991 the great Australian indigenous singer/songwriters Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody wrote “from little things, big things grow”. Although they were not referring to Jamberoo Golf Club, those words could be used to describe how the “9 & Dine – Xmas in July” came to fruition. As attendees were getting ready to leave the May “9 & Dine” function, a voice from the crowd quietly asked (who said Reg Wilson was quiet?) whether there would be another function during the winter months. This question was like a red rag to a bull, and not to miss out on an opportunity for golf, food and fun, Rose and her energetic organising team, got to work. With the roof over the club’s veranda almost complete, Rose also saw a fund raising opportunity. So the concept of the “9 & Dine, Xmas in July – Raise the Roof” was hatched.

The advertising campaign for the event was successful, as 55 players and diners attended the function (up from 19 in May) on 9 July 2015. Golfers played in either a 2 or 3 person ambrose event, starting from the 1st and 5th tees, in beautiful wintry conditions (cool, no rain and no wind). Interestingly, when the Chief Steward for the event, Club President Lance Fredericks, was asked about the rules applicable for dropping balls after the best ball had been selected, he replied with a sly grin “well, there are really no rules today, just drop the ball where you like”! Obviously using this rule interpretation to great advantage, the winners of the 3 person event were Lyn and Norbert Beringer and Barry Plucknet, and the winners of the 2 person event were Robin Gregson (who putted like a professional) and Arthur Bosanquet.

After golf, everyone enjoyed a chat and a drink on the club’s veranda, under the just completed roof. Despite the cold evening everyone was kept warm by 2 new outdoor heaters, generously provided by anonymous donors.  Lance thanked the organising group, presented prizes to the winners, and paid tribute on behalf of the whole club to Gordon Dill and Alan Thrower who were responsible for constructing the roof, and who were also in attendance.

The players’ lounge had been transformed into a Christmas dining room, complete with crackers. Everyone enjoyed the 2 course catered Christmas dinner, which included Christmas pudding, custard and ice cream.

No Christmas function is complete without a visit from Santa Claus, and this party was no exception. It is unknown how Rose was able to contact Santa, but he did arrive without any fanfare (he must have left his sleigh and reindeers up in the car park), and entertained the group with a variety of old and new jokes. Unfortunately, some of the jokes were difficult to understand, because of Santa’s thick beard and moustache and what sounded like a thick Welsh accent.

What an enjoyable Xmas in July: golf on a picturesque course, great company, lovely meal, and over $900 for the “Raise the Roof” fund. Certainly a BIG night, after a LITTLE question.

The next “9 & Dine” is on 10 September 2015, returning to the usual format of golf followed by a BBQ with BYO meat / salads / drinks.

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