News From the Course – 19th January


THE curse of slow play has hit Jamberoo Golf Club and I have received several complaints recently, especially about 3 particular groups who consistently lose holes each week and thus ruin the enjoyment of the day for their fellow members. We know who you are and we request that you lift your game.

Remember to play “Ready Golf”- this means being ready to play, not playing when you’re ready. Please see the notices around the club and below to remind you what it is to be ready.

It is hard to understand that a round of golf around Jamberoo should take more than 3 hours and 45 minutes but reliable sources have informed me that for the morning players the average stableford round has moved to over 4 hours and 10 minutes and up to a horrible 4 hours 40 minutes for stroke rounds.

We have to do better than this. Please read the ‘Slow Play is Selfish Play’ notice below and implement its suggestions.

In particular:

· If your ball is lost, don’t wait for the mandatory 5 minute search time to end before calling the group behind through. Call them through as soon it is apparent that the ball is going to be difficult to find.

· Don’t search for out of bounds balls if the next group is waiting.

· Mark your card on the next tee.

· If you do lose a hole and the next group seems to be always waiting, call them through.

· If you are finding it difficult to walk briskly then take advantage of the cheap cart rates available for members and hire a cart.

Please assist be thinking about others whilst on the course and playing and walking briskly. Simple changes can make the day more enjoyable for all. The next stage will involve a course marshall and possible penalties so lets get it right now.

David Ransom


 “Be Ready”

The guide to quicker golf without losing etiquette

“Be Ready” means BEING READY TO PLAY,

……..not playing when you’re ready!

1. Hit when the group in front is out of range

(1) Shorter hitters in the group can play first

(2) In stroke play “your honour” is old school or retro and should only be

considered if you are waiting for the group in front to clear your range.

2. Watch your ball and your partners’ ball

(1) If unsure – always hit a provisional ball

(2) Look for lost balls for no longer than 5 minutes

(3) Help to look for a lost ball after you have located your own and if clear – only after you have hit your own ball

(4) If the group behind is ready, request they play through immediately it is

apparent that the ball is lost – not after 5 minutes 

3. Be prepared

(1) Walk briskly between shots, have a chat but not at the expense of time and be ready to hit your shot when it is your turn

(2) Size up your shot as you walk to your ball

(3) Don’t overuse measuring devices especially close to the green

(4) Pick up as soon as you cannot score in par or stableford

(5) If you fall behind the group in front, send the first two players to putt out to the next tee to hit whilst the remaining two finish of

4. On the green

(1) Once you have started putting, finish out so long as you are not interfering with another players line

(2) Think about your putt and the line of the put whilst others are putting

(3) Always leave your clubs on the side of the green nearest the next tee

(4) Once you have holed out be ready to head to the next tee

5. Keeping your scorecard

(1) Wait until you arrive at the tee to update your scorecard

(2) If you are ready to hit, wait until after you have teed off to record your score

(3) Make sure you handicap is recorded prior to play so that your marker can

complete the scoring without fuss

6. Cart Golf

(1) Drop you passenger off to his/her ball with the correct club and then proceed to

your ball and be ready to hit on your turn

(2) Remember that not all players ride in carts and to travel at walking pace when

there is a group in front that are not playing in carts.


The low marker in the group is responsible for enforcing the “Be Ready” guidelines.

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