News from the course 10-1-15

January Big Bash Continues

THE scores recorded in our comps continue to raise the mercury with several outstanding rounds registered. One might say you need to get HOT, HOT, HOT to have any chance!

On Wednesday 7-1-15, Dennis Thomas played a brilliant round to score 46 points individually in division 3, minor places were recorded by Chris Wright and Brian McFarlane with 40 points each with Geoff King in 4th place also on 40.

Division 2 saw Tim Condon record 41 points to win by 1 from Nathan Rhodes and Alex Putral on countbacks with Greg Rodgers in 4thagin with 40 points.

Division 1 saw B Pennant captain, Adrian Bell, win the day with 42 points on a countback from Con Kiayias with Michael Ruiz, avoiding the trees on the ninth, to win 3rd on a countback over Tony Panecasio with 40 points.

If the scores on Wednesday were hot then the scoring on Saturday 10-1-15 was blistering.

In division 2 Bernie McGlinchey erupted with a sizzling 45 points from Hans Kaer on 42 and Greg Rodgers on 41.

In division 1 Colin Owers and Wayne Arnott both fired impressive 43 pointers with Colin claiming first on a countback. Tony Panecasio, continuing with his excellent recent play, won third place with 40 on a countback from Anthony Smith.

Division 3 saw Al Thrower score a scorching 47 individual points. No wonder he had a smile from ear to ear as he left the course. Phil Lewis fired an excellent 43 points for second and Gordon Dill was third with 40 points on a countback from Phil Hahn and Ron Hewson.

All winners should check their handicaps as I am sure there must be some downward movement after this heat wave.

Dave Ransom

6 thoughts on “News from the course 10-1-15

  1. I would like to suggest that we be rid of different grades and ALL members play against the course and their own handicaps, maybe the club may even save some money in prizes.

      1. Ron, thanks for your comment. As you are probably aware the match committee has a set formula in place that tells us how many grades and prizes need to be awarded according to the number of entries in a comp. Basically for a single event to have 3 grades (with 3 prizes in each grade) you need 101+ entries. If there are between 76 and 100 then there are two divisions with 4 prizes each. If there is a team event in conjunction then the number of individual prizes awarded is reduced. If the main event is a team event then these prizes are awarded first. For the events you mentioned on Dec 6 there were 104 male entries, thus 3 grades with 3 prizes. On Dec 6 102 men and 7 women played and thus the same again. On Jan 17 it was a 2 person team event with an individual in conjunction. There were 98 men and 18 women. thus 3 prizes for the team event then 2 grades with 3 prizes for the individual. On Jan 24 there were 99 men and 14 women thus 2 divisions with 4 prizes in each.
        As for the handicap grades there is currently a discussion about this very idea. Thanks for your input.

    1. Thanks Bruce for your input as well. I would like some more details of your suggestion please.

  2. Why not make grades from 1-12 , 13-20, 21-27 and think about higher handicaps 28- 36 all grades will be competitive and only have 3 prizes instead of 4 as on most days very hard for A grader say on 7 or so giving so many shots to a gent on 20. Not many players play consistently to their handicaps( a double bogey for these guys just about rubs them out especially if it happens on the first) and think about the gents over 27 also, they will be competitive also against people playing people around their standard. Don’t understand why in Dec 3rd and 6th with 104 and 106 starters respectively, 3 divisions and on Jan 17th and 24th 113 and 116 starters, only 2 divisions. Anyhow just a suggestion. Regards Ron Hewson(Happy to be just playing).

  3. Thanks Dave for the response. When explained like that it makes sense.
    All good. One great thing about playing golf is we are learning all the time.
    Also GOOD LUCK to all those Pennant players for 2015.

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