News from the Course – 7th January 2015

January monthly medal – scores are hot like the weather

The New Year has commenced and the scores are still very, very good.

In A grade, Tony Panecasio fired the lights out to score 73 off the stick for a nett 62 to win the medal from Wayne Arnott with a 63. Tom Zimmermann was third with a 64. Adrian Gehrmann maintained his recent great form to fire a 68 off the stick to win the Gross.

In B grade, having his first medal win this century, Dave Ransom proved that good luck can sometimes beat good play with his nett 63. The unlucky second place-getter was perennial winner Bernie McGlinchey with a nett 64, with Wayne Griffiths grabbing third place on a countback from Col Booth.

In C grade, Phil Gosling fired a nett 62 to grab the medal. Gordon Dill was runner up on a countback from Bob Small who beat Kevin Walsh. All of them shot nett 64’s.

In the Ladies, Shirley Walsh was successful with a nett 65 over Lyn Deegan who had a nett 66.

Congratulations to Andrew ‘Crash’ Craddock on his eagle 2 at the 16th. Lew Dare again took out the super shot with great shot to 121 cm.

Ray to the Rescue

How many times do you hit your tee shot into those palms to the left of the ninth? How many times does the ball tease you by staying in the fronds just out of reach?

Well today Michael Ruiz decided to do something about it! Michael shook the tree; he kicked the tree; and finally threw his nine iron at his implanted ball.

Yes you guessed it; the nine iron got wedged as well. Just as Michael was about to shimmy up the tree to rescue his club, local hero, Ray Orr appeared with a ball scoop.

“Thanks Ray”, is all the embarrassed Michael could mutter.

Danger lurks at every hit!

Chris G is quite a competent player and normally can direct his tee shot on the 5th down the middle. However in a recent comp Chris tugged his ball left only for it to hit the trees and drop straight down about 20 metres off the tee. Playing partner Ken Bradley standing 15 metres to Chris’ right and behind him said, “Are we safe here”? The other pair assured Ken that all was well and as they were situated behind Chris all would be safe.

Little did they know that Chris’ superbly struck recovery shot whacked another tree, rick-o- shayed, just missed Chris, went through the other players’ golf cart and under Ken’s bag, almost killing the 4 of them.

And he still made a 5!

Jamberoo Member wins Illawarra Open Series

The Illawarra Open Series is a series of Open events (like the Jamberoo Open) held throughout the district. To win you must compete in several of these events throughout the year, some in each of the 4 regions of the district. The good news is that one of our members has won the C grade section for 2014.

Shane Townsend, a representative pennant player with our White Horse Cup team, outlasted and outscored all his opponents to take out this important award and receive the $250 from Golf Illawarra. Although not many C graders played the requisite number of events Shane should be congratulated on his win. Hopefully this will be a harbinger of future excellent performances by our members.

Dave Ransom

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