January 2015 Vets Newsletter


5 January 2015 Competition

There was an excellent turn up for the first event of the year despite rainy conditions at the commencement of the day. We had 60 starters which meant two grades and only two prizes in each grade. There was some more bad news involving a mix up with the NTPs which were not put out. Although the oversight was recognised early, it was unfortunately too late to rectify the problem because of the number of players who had already played the NTP holes. To make up for the oversight it was decided to award an extra prize in each grade.

I would like to apologise to all players for the oversight.

The winners for this comp were:

Division 1                                                          Division 2
1st Tony Rodriguez 41 Pts                                  Theo Schmeider 41 Pts
2nd R Williams (Wollongong) 39 Pts              Phil Lewis 40 Pts
3rd John Chapman 38 Pts                                 Les Waters 38 Pts

Balls to 35 Pts

19 January 2015 Competition

I woke at about 4.00am to the sound of rain and thought that golf might be a bit doubtful today and I could possibly get to have a sleep in. I dosed for the next few hours but could still hear the rain tumbling down. When I finally arose I could see it was still sprinkling but thought, I’m not in Jamberoo so I won’t know the conditions until I get out there. Even as I walked the dogs, I got caught in the occasional sprinkle but thought I would still turn up because I was playing with the German boys, Karl, Ewald and Theo, and rain doesn’t often deter them.

I headed off to the course with rain still falling, but then I hit Swamp Road and guess what? The clouds started to clear, the road was dry and I had to fumble around to put on my sunglasses. I arrived at the course a bit before 9.00 and found that there had been no overnight rain, the course was dry and the conditions were warm with a gentle breeze – absolutely perfect for a round of golf. I hopped out of my car just in time to see Karl and the boys walking off the 1st tee – I had been dumped! Perhaps Rod (our Monday Starter) had other plans for me.

I walked into the Golf Shop and was greeted by Rod in his not so broad Mancunian accent “not many starters today Christopher”. (NOTE FOR ROD: only my mum called me Christopher and then only when I was in trouble!). Luckily Rod had reserved a spot for me in the final group with our regular visitors from The Grange and Russell Vale, and we all had a very enjoyable day. In fact everyone I spoke to while I was on the course remarked how good the day was and how glad they were that they decided to turn up.

There were 38 lucky players who teed off, but unfortunately that was only enough for one grade today, but at least we did get the NTPs out this time!

The prize winners were:

1st      Jeff Draper
2nd   John Childs
3rd   Paul O’Leary

Nearest the Pin: 3rd  Peter Waterman (RV) 305cm
                                 9th   Dennis Perrin (SL) 156cm
Drive & Pitch      8th   Jeff Draper 199cm
Supershot            7th   Jeff Draper 120cm

Balls to 37

It was a particularly good day for Jeff Draper who not only placed first in the comp but also won two NTPs including the Supershot. Well done Jeff.

2015 Membership Handbooks

Membership books are available for all financial members. The books will be placed next to the computer terminal in the Members Lounge, and in front of the box where you place your completed cards.

Chris Goodwin
Sec./Treas. Jamberoo Vets

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