JGC Veterans Report – October 2014

October Competition

This month’s competition was down on numbers due to a clash with the Trevor Bell Shield, but there were still 67 hardy souls who teed off on an overcast morning. Luckily the rain held off for the duration of the competition.

The winners for this month were:

Division 1                                                                             Division 2

Phil Hahn                  41 points                               P Waterman(Grange)    45 points

Al Thomas (c/b)       38 points                              Reg Curnow                       42 points

D Turner(Grange)    34 points                              Laurie Fogarty                   40 points

The trial of an additional monthly Vets comp at Jamberoo on the 3rd Monday of the month was postponed this month but will definitely commence next month on the 17th November. My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Membership Renewals

Due to the clash of the October competition with the Trevor Bell Shield I was unable to be present to collect membership fees for the 2014/15 year. My thanks to all those members who have paid their money to the girls in the office. I will ensure I am at the course early on Monday 3rd November so if you know anyone who hasn’t yet renewed their membership, can you please let them know.

Seaside and The Valley Tournament

I just wanted to give you all a reminder about our inaugural tournament commencing on 24th November. The official cut off date is the 10th November, so if you are interested in playing you can obtain an entry form from the starters shed or by contacting either Lance, Stuart or myself.

There are some great prizes on offer for the five divisions (3 men and 2 ladies), such as $100 for 1st place each day in each division, with second receiving $50 and 3rd receiving $30. The 54 hole event winners in men and ladies will receive $125, second $75 and third $50. There will also be plenty of NTPs  and drive and pitch holes.

We will be running raffles beforehand with some great prizes, such as a voucher from Terralong Terrace in Kiama for two nights accommodation to the value of $440, a voucher from East Beach Caravan Park to the value of $600, a set of ladies wet weather gear to the value of $140 (kindly donated by Jim Butt) and dinner for two at Jamberoo pub to the value of $60.

I mentioned in a previous newsletter that we might need some volunteers to help on the two days of competition at Jamberoo (Monday and Thursday) so if you are available, can you please obtain a form from the starters shed and let us know. Help will be needed for starters, spotters, rangers, scorers and that all important position of head chef in the soon to be completed BBQ area.

Trevor Bell Shield

It was an early start at Wollongong and the clouds certainly looked ominous over the escarpment. Captain Ray decided that for today’s comp he would accompany Ron Chilby and not Brian O’Hare, “just so I could spread some inspiration throughout the team” said Ray. “I thought I would partner someone other than Brian because Brian’s game is now at a level that is beyond description” added Ray. Noone who has seen Brian play recently was prepared to disagree with Ray’s assessment.

Both myself and Ron had a good day scoring 44 and 42 points respectively and Ron clearly benefited from Ray’s company and inspirational talks throughout the day. We were ably backed up by Ed Klein (36 points) and the ever consistent Pat Paris with 35 points. Our best six also included Ray Orr and Brian O’Hare (who said he needed inspiration?) contributing to our score of 218. However, our efforts were only good enough for 3rd place on the day behind the winners Kiama with 225 points followed by Port Kembla with 221 points.

These results mean that Jamberoo have retained our lead in the competition but Port have cut our lead by three to 26 points. We will therefore go to the final round at The Grange with a lead of 26 points over Port Kembla. The progressive scores are:

Jamberoo             1218
Port Kembla        1192
Kiama                   1149
The Grange         1121
Wollongong        1076
The Links             1073
Russell Vale        1034

The final round is to be played at The Grange on Monday 10 November. The nomination sheet is on the notice board. Good luck guys!

Chris Goodwin
Secretary/Treasurer Jamberoo Vets


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