Jamberoo GC Vets News 29/8/2014

By Chris Goodwin

August Competition

IT was a cool morning that greeted the early starters on this first Monday of the month, but by mid-morning the day burst into brilliant sunshine and it was a pleasure to be out there on the course, and on this side of the grass!

We had 71 starters on the day which meant we had enough for 2 divisions, and the winners were:

Division 1
John Edwards 37 points
Ken Bradley 36 points
Colin Booth  34 points

Division 2
David Wardle 41 points
Ray Pearson 40 points
Doug Perry 37 points

8th      Patrick Foy (200cm)
9th      Ralph Young (180cm)
11th    Glyn Godfrey (148cm)

***Starting October 2014 we intend to trial an additional monthly Vets comp at Jamberoo on the 3rd Monday of the month. So, as from October, we will have two competitions each month, which will normally be on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. However, due to the Labour Day public holiday on Monday 6th October, our competitions will be held on the Mondays of the 13th and 20th October. We will start advertising the new day at our Monday event in September. Tuesday 30th September will be the 5th Tuesday and Gerringong will now go ahead with this day.

Please note that the Vets financial year ends on 30 September and subscriptions will fall due in October. I will attempt to be at the course early enough to enable the early starters to pay their annual fees before they tee off for both the September and the first October event. The annual fee remains the same for 2014/15 ie. $5.00.

IVGA Championships

Thank you to the members who responded to my message earlier in the month requesting expressions of interest for the event scheduled to be held at Wollongong and Shell Links on the 29th and 30th September 2014. Unfortunately, due to a lack of entries received for the event throughout the Illawarra, the event has been postponed until 2015. The new date will be advised.

New Zealand Vets Tournament

An email has been received from across The Ditch from our counterparts in NZ. The message was sent by Roger Carroll of Vintage Sports & Leisure Ltd. I have reproduced the bulk of the email below:

“I would like to introduce Golden Oldies Golf to you and your veteran golfers and invite you to be part of the inaugural Golden Oldies Golf Festival to be held in Rotorua, New Zealand from the 20th April-25th April 2015 at the Springfield Golf Club.
This is a chance to be part of the celebration of the great game of golf and the fun, friendship and fraternity associated with the world-wide Golden Oldies movement. (www.goldenoldiessports.com)
The event is a 4 round stableford tournament with the best 3 counting and played in Over 40s, 50s and 60s age groups. An attractive programme has been prepared allowing golfers, their partners/traveling companions the chance to enjoy the many delights of Rotorua while engaging in friendly competition.
You may well be familiar with Rotorua, it is one of New Zealand’s outstanding tourist destinations, offering a wide variety of attractions and activities for all age groups. Rotorua has recently undergone a substantial make-over, and E-Street close to the Lake is a brand new boulevard with a large selection of restaurants and cafes offering a variety of fabulous eating options.
Why not join us and enjoy all the Golden Oldies Golf has to offer enthusiastic older golfers, their friends and family in great surroundings.
Not only will there be plenty of action on the course, there will also be plenty of time for socialising. We have a great opening and closing event organised and of course you will have ample leisure time in-between to enjoy the sights and sounds of Rotorua.
Please visit our website www.vslgolf.org for the full event programme which details the course/packages and inclusions. We are also offering groups of 10 one free golf package.”
The full email will be in the Vets Tournament folder in the Golfers Lounge.

Trevor Bell Shield – Jamberoo lead the comp

Thursday 28/8/14
THE day started at 7.00am at Port Kembla under a cloudy sky and who could have guessed what was about to transpire. The rain started to tumble down about 10 minutes before we hit off and everyone was waterlogged by the end of the first hole. It was somewhat “amusing” to see the sprinklers operating not only when we arrived at the course, but how they continued to activate throughout the course during the day.

You would think that the weather would have had a detrimental effect on the standard of golf played during the day (it certainly did on my game!). However, nobody told Brian O’Hare who blitzed the opposition with a phenomenal 45 points. Brian confided later that he missed a simple putt on the last that would have given him an even better score. Captain Ray Orr is claiming a large part of the credit for Brian’s amazing performance on the day “it’s all due to the inspirational talk I gave to Brian in the middle of his round” says Ray.

The exceptional performances didn’t stop there, with the ever consistent Pat Paris coming second with a score of 38 points, followed by Geoff Reynolds in third place with 37 points. Karl Edlinger, Theo Schmieder and Ray Orr made up our top six on the day.

The Jamberoo team clearly won the day with 207 points from The Grange (196) and Kiama (194). One pleasing aspect was how well the team performed away from home and that we managed to beat Port on their home turf. The team results and the progressive scores are:

Team            Starting Points          28/8/14 Results        Progressive Scores

Jamberoo                        592                                207                  799

Port Kembla                    589                               188                  777

The Grange                      557                               196                   753

Kiama                                 542                               194                 736

The Links                           538                               165                  703

Wollongong                        512                               180                 692

Russell Vale                       501                               162                  663

Jamberoo now has a 22 point lead in the Shield over second placed Port Kembla, followed by The Grange and Kiama. The next round is to be played at Russell Vale on Wednesday 17 September. The nomination sheet will be placed on the notice board on Saturday 30 August.

Well done guys!

Chris Goodwin
Jamberoo Veterans Golf Club

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