Jamberoo Veterans
Any member 55 years or more is entitled to join the Jamberoo Veterans. Membership is only $5 per annum and this entitles you to play not only in our Vets day on the first Monday of the month, but also in monthly Veterans competitions at the other Illawarra courses. The recent comp at Gerringong resulted in a win for James Eames with Carlos Colarusso and Dave Cotterill winners in the Ball Comp. Carlos also won the long drive on the 17th.

New Office Holders
Recently, a meeting was held to handover responsibility for running the Vets at Jamberoo because the previous office holders had vacated their positions at the end of the last financial year. The new office holders for the upcoming year are:
Lance Fredericks
Chris Goodwin
Stuart Potter
On behalf of the Jamberoo Vets, new president Lance expressed his thanks to both Barry Walker and Ian Boles for their long and dedicated service to the club.

News from the Course
Ken Bradley, one of our members, recently donated 2 dozen balls to the Vets to be used as NTPs. Ken suggested the 11th hole and the rest of the board agreed. So starting on Monday 5th May, Vets members will have an additional NTP for the next 12 months. Thanks very much to Ken for his kind generosity.

Trevor Bell Memorial Shield
The Veterans representative season has commenced and Ray Orr has kindly agreed to act as the coordinator for Jamberoo during the upcoming season. The first round was held at Kiama in early April and Port Kembla were victorious on the day amassing 230 points, while Jamberoo was a creditable 5th with 188 points. The next round is to be held at The Links on Thursday 8th May (hit off at 8am). Early each month a nomination sheet for the next round is posted on the Vets notice board next to the starters window.

Chris Goodwin

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