Monthly Medal and Mixed Open Changes

New Monthly Medal Option
It has come to the Match Committee’s attention that some members would prefer to play a stableford event instead of the monthly medal stroke round. In response to this feedback, the Match Committee proposes to commence a 3 month trial of this concept starting with the June monthly medal.
As the Monthly Medal is the major competition of the day, a separate stableford competition will be run and prizes awarded according to the number of entrants. You must nominate to enter the stableford by writing an “S” next to your name on the booking sheet at least 7 days from the date of the competition. You cannot change from the stroke event to the stableford or vice/versa on the day and definitely not mid-round.
The starter will write the word “Stableford” on top of your card to identify your card for the competition. Stableford competitors will be ineligible to win the monthly medal in their grade.
Stableford competitors do not have to enter their scores after the round and should place their cards in the appropriate box after checking that they have been signed (a stableford competitor may still have to enter their partner’s stroke round). The Captain will enter the stableford details after the round for handicapping purposes.

Jamberoo Mixed Open Date Changed
The Jamberoo Mixed Open is the longest running Open Competition available at Jamberoo. Its format is 18 holes of Canadian Foursomes. It was due to be held on the 25th of May but due to a cluttering of events it has been decided to change the competition date till Sunday 15th of June.
This year a total of $300 of vouchers will be awarded for the gross and nett winners.
Nomination sheets are available at the golf shop for those interested members and visitors.

Dave Ransom, captain
On behalf of the Match Committee

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