Jamberoo White Horse Cup Squad take division lead

JGC LOGO 300White Horse Cup Round 2 v Nowra at Shoalhaven Heads

Jamberoo 4 defeat Nowra 2

Anthony Smith won 6/5

Scott Hainsworth won 7/5

Larry Kent won 6/5

Brad Jackson won 3/2

Shane Townsend lost 3/2

Steve Jackson lost 2 down

A GREAT performance from our top 4 saw Jamberoo overcome Nowra in a comprehensive victory to take the leadership of our division.

Anthony played inspired golf, displaying his excellent short game to good effect, to win easily on the 13th.

Scott, claiming to be nervous for the first couple of holes, still won these holes and turned 5 up. His opponent chipped in three times but this was not enough to put any pressure on Scott. Scotty’s silky smooth putting stroke responded when needed and he also won on the 13th green.

Larry was coasting along and playing excellent golf when his opponent called a rule on him on the 9th. This fired Larry up and he blasted his opponent away after the turn to also win on the 13th green.

Brad, in the critical 4th spot, was playing a very closely contested match. After turning all square ‘Action Jackson’ lifted and was able to win on the 16th green in another great performance.

Steve and Shane, fresh from their first and second placings in the previous day’s competition, continued with their excellent form and both were all square at the turn. Unfortunately their opponents were also playing well and both lost close matches.

A good win by the Super Roos, despite the absence of Brian who decided that being up front and personal while taking pictures of Paula Creamer at the Women’s Australian Open in Melbourne was more rewarding than playing golf with his mates. It was suggested that he might try some film in his camera next year.

Our next game is at home on the 23rd of February against Gibraltar commencing at 9am

Dave Ransom

[The C Pennant team had a bye this week. The B Pennant report to come.]

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