It was a very merry Christmas indeed to Jamberoo members Col Booth, Bruce Hammond and John Keeling who were the winners of the full hams on offer on the Hams day held recently at the club. Wayne Arnott, Greg Rogers, John Corr and Pam Bodey each won a half ham while Glyn Godfrey, Jim Henry, Jeff Draper and Louise Stoddart were consoled with a turkey.

Of course most members now have suspicions that they now know the identity of the ‘handicap burglars’ in the club.

This undoubtedly is just sour grapes from the rest of us who have to buy our hams! Still the handicapper might just keep an eye open just in case.

Thanks to board member Margaret Stephens for her organisation of the ham buying and distribution.

Well played to our winners. Better luck next year to the rest of us.

Illawarra Champion of Champions

Club champion Steve Rippon recently represented Jamberoo Golf Club in the Illawarra Champion of Champions tournament held at the Highlands Golf club. Steve played excellent golf and placed 4th with a 74, only 3 shots behind the winner on the difficult Highlands layout where the greens were hard and fast.  Former Jamberoo junior Jordan Widdicombe fired a 72 to win the Junior Champion of Champions. Unfortunately our B grade and C grade champions Ron Chilby and Jim Ryan were unable to attend due to family commitments. Thanks go to Peter Young who acted as Steve’s caddy for the day. Well played Steve.

Dave Ransom

Season’s Greetings to all Jamberoo Members.


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