2024 Flood Damage Repair Fund

As a result of the devastating flood that hit the course on Friday night and Saturday morning, one of our members has kindly and anonymously donated the full balance of his Trophy Account back to the Club.

He writes: “The damage to the course following the flood 36 hours ago is devastating and will be a significant and costly impost on the Club and its members. While my 2023-2024 golf year has not been covered in glory, I would like to donate the full balance of my trophy account (about $250) back to the Club in the hope it can be the initial donation to a 2024 Flood Damage Repair Fund to be used at the Board’s discretion. If the stories I hear and based on reports in the Daily Cow of many members with significant trophy account balances are correct, then I would like to challenge others make a similar (or smaller) donation. If another 79 active men and women members donated an average of $250 of their trophy accounts back to the Club, it would raise a much needed $20,000 towards the course repair bill.”

Those members who wish to support this initiative please contact the club office when it re-opens.

Your support would be very much appreciated.

Volunteers needed to help in the clean up.

Much help will be needed as there is significant damage to the course. Please come along each morning to help our greenstaff firstly pile up the rubbish and to assist where possible.

Gloves, gum boots, rakes and shovels would be helpful.

Please meet near the golfshop between 7.30 and 8.

Thanking you in anticipation.

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