Jamberoo Members again show that special spirit and willingness to help out.

April Flood Event 2024

This devastating flood has caused the most damage to the course in living memory, even greater than the 2013 tornado.

I am heartbroken by the damage but my spirits have been uplifted by the willingness of the Jamberoo members to help out and get involved.

Greenkeeper Nick is focusing on getting greens and tees sorted and the irrigation system back up and running. Both the pump shed at 17 and the bore on 10 are out of action. Nick needs the water back on so he can hose off the silt on greens.

There is significant damage to the course and to some of the bridge approaches. There are big chunks out of greens (particularly 1 & 3), lots of signposts, bench seats etc that have been washed out onto other parts of the course. The protective screen shelter on 15 has gone, some of the protective lattice on 15 tee is gone, the gravel off bridge approaches and paths is all over fairways and rough. Pathways around the course have been washed away. A car has been washed down the Minnamurra River and now sits near the 13th green in the river itself. I am told that the driver was rescued and is safe.

Some of the small drain bridges e.g. the one between 17 & 2 have been washed away and deposited out on the course etc. An engineer has been organised to come and assess the bridge on the 4th.

All that said the fairways pretty much just need the debris raked up and removed and they will be back to normal pretty quickly.

Our first volunteer to arrive today was Peter Hughes followed by Bob and Joe Neilson and Gus O’Brien who were cleaning up the 5th fairway, Bruce Mitchie and Phil Hahn also showed up a little later to join this crew. They managed to reasonably clean up the 5, 6, 8, & 9 fairways.

This is where our volunteers can help Tuesday and Wednesday, possibly Thursday and Friday as well.

We could use plenty of volunteers over the next couple of days.
I think a start time of 8:00 tomorrow for volunteers is suitable.

If you can make it your help will be very much appreciated. Bring gum boots, gloves, rakes and shovels.

Neil Riley, Kiama Mayor, has been contacted and we hope to get free green waste disposal at Kiama tip for the rest of April.

2024 Flood Damage Repair Fund

Thank you to those members who have already contacted the club indicating they would donate their trophy account balances into the “2024 Flood Damage Repair Fund” to help in the repairs to the course caused by the flood.

Your desire to help is most appreciated.

Some Golfing News

The Women’s Gold Pennant managed to play today at the Links Shell Cove.

Playing against the strong Port Kembla team our Gold Pennants had a great win today at Links Shell Cove

Elizabeth Armstrong lost 6/5

April van Woerkom won 4/3

Kay Brennan won 3/1

Judi O’Brien won 5/3

Marie Farrant won 5/4

This places Jamberoo equal first – good luck next week to all teams!


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