April Showers, not!

Course Flooded and Closed until further notice.

Heavy overnight rain dumping 171 mm onto the course, and a high tide have combined to leave our course in a very sad condition.

My on the site reporter, Bob, thinks it is the worst he has seen in the last 25 years.

“Only seen it as bad as this once before in 25 years. Fence posts along the 16th fairway not visible which gives you an idea of the depth over a huge area of the course”. 

The water has receded in sections leaving a huge amout of wet and damaged areas with some greens having their surface grass ripped off.

We will need to call on our wonderful army of volunteers to help clean up the debris.

The greenstaff will check on conditions on Monday to see if the course is dry enough to begin stacking piles of debris for removal.

Trevor Bell Shield at the Grange postponed.

Monday’s round at the Grange has been postponed as the Grange GC also has been inundated and closed.

Lance Fredericks

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