News from the Course – 13 September

Womens Foursomes Championships Decided.

Champions Crowned.

Congratulations to Liz Armstrong and Linda McGlinchey on defending their title in the 2023 Women’s Foursomes Championship. The Foursomes title is played over 27 holes and is that demanding alternate shot game.

Players found the course in great condition with fair but challenging flag placements. A true credit to our Green’s staff.

Nett winners were Rose Sheath and Lieve Stassen with an excellent score of 101.25.

Congratulations to all competitors and prize winners.

Champions:   Linda McGlinchey & Elizabeth Armstrong  143   Gross Runners Up:  Jenelle Anderson & Judi O’Brien  149

Nett Winners:  Rose Sheath & Lieve Stassen  101.25   Nett Runners Up:  Cheryl Legge & Helen Wainwright  105.75

Ball Winners:  Tracey Watson, Kelley Greaves, Cheryl Smee, Marie Smith, Robyn Gregson & Barbara Costello.

Red tee markers.

We have at the moment only Mens and Womens White and Blue Courses. In the past these have been designated by White and Blue tee markers.

Please note the clarification in the following paragraphs.

The red tee markers are for women players. They will be used for all competitions run by the Women’s Committee.

In all other competitions play will proceed from the white or blue tee markers depending on the course being played.

Larry Kent, Captain

An Unlikely Eagle spotted at the 6th today.

Congratulations to Chris Goodwin who managed to score an eagle 2 at the sixth today. Hitting a solid drive down the middle Chris pulled out his 7 iron and played his second shot straight over the Camphor Laurel tree towards the green. Not having the best of sight at the moment he searched for his ball over the back thinking it might have gone swimming.

A suggestion to look in the hole proved fruitful for indeed there was Chris’ ball sweetly settled at the bottom. He was both pleased and surprised.

3 balls to your kitty Chris. Well played.

Upcoming Events

This Sunday sees the playing of the Mixed Foursomes Championship over 27 holes. Plenty of spaces are still available.

On Saturday 30th of September the Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Open Ambrose Championship will be held at the club. This is a 4 person modified elimination Ambrose event with same sex and mixed gender teams allowed. {All women players are given a 4 shot boost to their GA handicap to counteract the disadvantage of the smaller par of the Mens Blue Course}.

Entries are now open by calling the golf shop on 4236 0404.

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